Today I ran to Genuardis with a couple of friends to work the Genuardis's deal that I got the other day.
It was a great success for both friends.
Kristen paid 91 cents for 4 Fruit gushers and 5 boxes of (Sweet n Salty and Fiber One Granola bars). With ecoupons, coupons, catalina coupons and Genuardis Buy 4 save $4 she got back $5.50 in catalina coupons - so thats a $4.59 moneymaker
Natasha got 4 boxes of Fruit gushers and a package of cream cheese and paid $1.XX and got back a $2 catalina
I already used my ecoupons on my Guenardis card but I went back for more Betty Crocker Fruit Roll Ups for the kids (great for giving out at halloween). I picked up 4 boxes and used two of these 50c/2 coupons and paid $1.96 and got back a $2 catalina - 4 cents moneymaker. If you can print as many as you can then you can keep rolling your catalina coupon (although you do need to buy something to cover the 4 cent overage). Deal ends Thursday night for me.
Now I'm trying to figure out the Genuardi's P&G deal (Spend $25 get back $10 gift card) which I'd love to stack with the spend $30 get $10 back rebate. Haven't figure it out yet - anyone have a good scenario?
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