Inbox Dollars

Blog Archive

Enter the BLOGMANIA 2 day GIVEAWAY here

Welcome to the Freebie Junkie's Blogmania 2010 giveaway where there is a total of $700+ in prizes to giveaway.

My theme for this event is "Family Fun & Fitness"

As a busy working Mom of two active young children, I am inspired to keep my family entertained as well as focus on encouraging healthy developmental learning.  My goal for Blogmania 2010, is to offer my readers fun and unique products that the whole family can enjoy, especially during the fall and winter season when the outdoor temperatures start to fall.  I have put together a collection of products that fit my theme for the giveaway event.

There is 1 Family Fun prize pack and 3 Fitness Prize Packs to be won. 

Family Fun Prize Pack 1:
(Family fun prize pack open to Continental US and Canadian residents only - 1 winner)

Rock Star Zhu Zhu Pet - 3 pets (Pax, Ryder & Kingston)

Glee Gum Candy Kit of your choice

Rock 'N Learn - Phonics Volume 1 DVD


Mayra Calvani Book

Fitness Prize Pack 1:
(Fitness prize pack 1 open to Continental US and Canadian residents only - 1 winner)

Alo Sport Apparel - Keyhole Sports Bra

Vital ID's - Rider ID's for helmets


Jari Love - 2 workout DVD's

Photobucket Photobucket

Fitness Prize Pack 2:
(Fitness prize pack 2 open to Continental US residents only - 1 winner)

Aurorae Yoga Prize Pack
Aurorae Yoga Mat Yoga Slip free Rosin Bag, Yoga Sport Sweat Towel, Yoga Strap Organic Mat Wash and Denim Yoga Sak.


Fitness Prize Pack 3
5 winners will receive a 1 week pass to an Epic Boot Camp Class*
*Please note this prize is only open to residents close to the Epic Boot Camp classes. 
Please click here to check for locations. 

The chances of winning is so much higher...

So here's how to enter:

Mandatory Entry:
Follow The Freebie Junkie on Google Friend Connect (see right hand side bar to connect)
comment below telling me your favorite activity with your family**

**please leave me a contact email address if you remain anonymous in sign up so I can contact you if you win.  Also state which prize pack you would like to win, if you like to be considered for all prize packs please rank each prize pack just in case you don't get your first choice.

To find the other bloggers for $40,000+ in prizes, click them below to enter away!



«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 354   Newer›   Newest»
Angie B said:

already follow with gfc. We like to take walks together when the weather is nice. angiewith3 at live dot com

Jennifer said:

GFC and we love to play with our outside chalk (Family Fun Prize Pack 1 is the one I like) jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Abbi said:

following gfc and we love to go fishing all summer long
kidpack05 at yahoo dt com

Amber said:


I would like to be entered for prize pack 2!!

I love going for walks with our dogs!!

HannahAchrissmile said:

­­­­­I follow on GFC ( hannah . chrinahxxx@..)

aigcanada7 (at) hotmail [dot] com

I would like the Family Fun Prize Pack the most, but would also be happy to win the Fitness Prize Pack 1 !

1. Family Fun Prize Pack 1

2. Fitness Prize Pack 1

Shannon's Tales of Motherhood said:

Follow GFC
I would love the
Family Fun Prize Pack 1(1st choice)
fitness prize pk3 (2nd choice,only if its near P.A)
fitness prize pack1(3rd choice)

My favorite activity with my family is when we go to the local libary and read together.

shannpf1977 at yahoo dot com

Marissa said:

follow via GFC!

we love going walking, jogging or biking together as a family :)

I would LOVE the fitness prize pack as a first choice, then I'd like the family fun pack for my son!

Unknown said:

follow on gfc, we like to play outside together(bubbles, chalk)
hancoci_s at msn dot com
i like family fun 1, but any are great

Unknown said:
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said:

I follow on GFC @ CCL (for Crazy Cat Lady)!

This is a special occasion activity, but we love to visit water parks and amusement parks all over the country and take a family vacation every summer where we hop from park to park every 2-3 days over the course of about 10 days... we've done this 5 summers in a row now!

Please sign me up for all the giveaways! I have no preference!

Crazy Cat Lady

Unknown said:

we love to go hiking as a family.

Family Fun Prize Pack 1 seems like a great price


Kara said:

Follow you on GFC

Our favorite activity as a family is hiking!

I would love the family prize pack #1
kara.kpdesigns at gmail dot com

Alisha K said:

I am following you via gfc and My favorite activity with my family is swimming.

Miranda Ward said:

I follow on GFC

I like hiking

Teresa Choplin @ tchoplin2009(at)gmail(dot)com said:

i follow via GFC
We love to hunt and fish!
Teresa Choplin

Unknown said:

I am now a follower
Love #1 pkg
We enjoy board games and puzzles.

Great giveaways


Terra Heck said:

I follow your blog and camping is our fave family activity. I'd like to win either the family fun prize pack 1 or the fitness prize pack 1. Thanks.

Anonymous said:

I follow via GFC. Two of our fav family activities are rollerblading and ice skating!

I would LOVE to win the Fitness Prize Pack 2!!!

ATeenAtHeart said:

Favorite activities is taking walks after dinner!

Mommy K said:

I would love fitness prize package 2 or 1!!!


kpelham8 at yahoo dot com

Henria O. said:

Following via GFC! We like to eat together! That's an activity right?! :)
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com

Elise said:

gfc follower. my favorite thing to do with my family is to go bowling together.

Enter me for all prize packs, here are My prize pack preferences in order:

1.Family fun prize
2. fitness prize 1
3. fitness prize 2
4. fitness prize 3

caliblue7 at gmail dot com

Momma Told Me said:

We love going on hikes down by the beach

six_one_nine_girlie (at) yahoo (dot) com

sweetpea18 said:

i follow (heatheranya). our favorite activity is going to the park together
heatheranya at hotmail com

sweetpea18 said:

i forgot the rest... sorry!
fitness1, fitness2, family1

L Howard said:

I follow you on GFC
Our fav activity to do is go for a nature walk!
I would love to be entered in all the giveaways
Family fun pack - 1st choice
Fitness 2 pack - 2nd choice
Fitness 1 pack - 3rd choice

lhoward916 at gmail dot com

rosa m said:

I follow you with google (rosamiller77)

Our favorite family activity is having a picnic at the park.


family 1, fitness 1, fitness 2

Unknown said:

follow with gfc
my family does yoga together. =)
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com

Shiela said:

Follow you on GFC - I love to play baseball with my husband and two boys

Fitness Prize Pack 2, Family Prize Pack, Fitness Prize back 1

Anonymous said:

I am following. Spending time with the dogs at a lake is our fun activity, so camping.
I would love any of the fitness packages, or any package. Are there any boot camp locations in Wisconsin? (or NE IL)

Anonymous said:

I love playing tennis with my family and would love to enter for all prize packs!

following you on GFC!
gmloschiavo at yahoo dot com

amandalo06 said:

Jumping on the trampoline together is a fun activity we like to do!

I would love to enter all the prize packs..they are all very nice!


Debbie said:

Follow via GFC
We love to go on family walks
I like prize packs #1 and #2
sully_debbie11 at msn dot com

Natalia said:

We like to play outside and do crafts.
I like Family Prize first or any other one.
following you via gfc natalia

ParanormalBites said:

Please enter me win the Family Fun prize pack.

One of our favourite family activities is hiking through a local forest.

Jeanie said:

I'm a new follower with Google Friend Connect!

My family likes to go shopping together. We'll spend a day at the outlets then go out to eat all together at the end of the day.

Please enter me for Fitness Prize Pack 2 and Fitness Prize Pack 1!

alohapearl12 [at] gmail [dot] com

hdrake said:

Already a GFC!

hdrake said:

I love family game nite. Also during my kids football season I love watching football games all day!

hdrake said:

I would love the Fitness Prize pack #3. I live 2 miles from Live Oak, Texas and really need to great boot camp to kick my butt!
But I would also take any of the other Prize packs as well. Fitness #1 then Fitness #2!

Erinn Giblin said:

GFC Follower!

We love to take walks in the evenings!

Kathy Habel said:

bkhabel AT gmail DOT com

I follow GFC

Our favorite family activity is hiking together.

Anonymous said:
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Anonymous said:

We like to play with our kids outside with all of their toys and play games. If I win I want the Family Prize Pack.

GFC follower.

Eileen said:

Our family likes to take long walks

eileen at booksrusonlinedot com

MomToC said:

I follow via GFC

Our favorite activity is bicycle rides.

jonnausa at hotmail dot com

Tiffany said:

We like to go to the park together in the evenings and play baseball with the kids!

#1: Fitness Prize Pack 2
#2: Family Fun Prize Pack 1
#3: Fitness Prize Pack 1


MomToC said:

Oh shoot, forgot to pick the prize pack :D

I'd love to win the Zhu Zhu pet prize.

I follow via GFC

Our favorite activity is bicycle rides.

jonnausa at hotmail dot com

Nicole said:

Our Favorite activity is spending time outdoors togeather! Movie night too!


Julia Gabriel said:

I would love #1 My fav activity with my family is road trips. We love driving around and seeing our beautiful province. nuggleme at hotmail dot com

Unknown said:
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said:

I am following through Google Friend Connect. Our favorite family activity is playing and having a picnic at the park.

1. Family Fun Prize Pack
2. Fitness Pack 2
3. Fitness pack 1
4. Fitness pack 3

Unknown said:

I'm a GFC follwer
My first choice would be the Family Fun prize pack.
My favourite family activity would have to be movie night. All cuddled up on the couch with popcorn and a great family movie :)

deb c said:

follow gfc-missdeb1
I like prize packs #1 and #2, in that order

Marie said:

I follow on GFC (vmlay)

Would love to win #1 the Family prize pack.

We love to take nature walks together as a family especially now that the weather is finally starting to cool down a bit -- we walk, we talk and we find neat things to look at too. The kids love it!

savannansmom said:

my favorite family activity is visiting the local state parks!
i like the family fun pack 1

bukaeyes said:

I follow GFC as bukaeyes and I like #1. We like to play baseball as a family.

MidgetMomma said:

I Follow you on GFC -Midgetmomma

I love to play with my kids or go crabbing.

I would like the family fun package


Go Long! Go Green! said:

We love to run together as a family!


Sarah Eliza @ devastateboredom said:

Following via google friend connect!

I'd love Fitness Pack 2! And if not that one, any of the others look cool.

My family loves long walks and game nights. Obviously not simultaneously though. ;P

one frugal lady said:

I am your newest follower! My family loves a great game of football right as the sun is going down!

Snowflake07 said:

I'm a google friend follower (Snowflake07)
My favorite family activity is going to the track to walk and spending time at the playground.
I'm only entering for the Family Fun Prize Pack 1.
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net

Simone Nelson said:

I follow you via GFC. As a family, we like to take walks and go to parks. I'd love the Family Pack 1 the most, but after that I'd prefer the Fitness 2 pack. Thanks so much!

Elizabeth said:
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elizabeth said:

Blog follower

Our family loves baking together!

Family Fun Prize Pack 1
Fitness Prize Pack 1
Fitness prize Pack 2

Jackie said:

I follow via google friend connect. My favorite activity with my family is having a family movie night. Thanks so much for the generous giveaway!
Family Prize Pack #1
Fitness Prize Pack #1
Fitness Prize Pack #2
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Anonymous said:

I follow GFC - kimmyl
Fro family fun we have movie night with pizza or play rockband.
Fitness Prize Pach #1
Fitness Prize Pack #2

Chris J. said:

Love your website, new follower and did like on Facebook.
I enjoy just hanging out with my family and we love to bbq, it's time for us to work together to prepare a meal and just catch up.

I would love Family Fun Prize 1

Beth said:

GFC Follower - we love to ride bikes and play outside!

Family pack 2, then fitness pack 1 &2, no interest in fitness 3

The Teachers Wife said:

follow gc, we LOVE swimming, and i love pkg fun 1!

Anonymous said:

I'm a GFC follower

I love going biking with my family

I'd love to win the fitness prize pack #1. My second choice would be #2


Unknown said:

Great prizes, thanks for entering me! I would love to win Family Fun Prize Pack 1 with Fitness Prize Pack 1 as my second choice. I follow you too!

cloud10277 said:
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cloud10277 said:

I follow with GFC
Tracy P.
My family likes to play Wii together. Lots of fun and great exercise.

phxbne said:

thanks! we like going to the zoo
gfc follower
michelejdaley at gmail dot com

Amanda said:

Following through GFC

1. Fitness pack 2
2. Fitness pack 1
3. Family Fun Prize Pack
4. Fitness pack 3

Kimberly said:

I'm a google follower. We love going for walks together.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Rachel C said:

I'm a new follower, and my favorite thing to do with my kids is read to them! I would love to win the family fun pack, or fitness pack 2 or 1.
rach62803 at yahoo dot com

Stephie C said:

follow via GFC now and we love to hula hoop!!!
sunni08at gmail dot com
I like pack 1 the best or the yoga one :)

Nancy said:

I LOVE this site!!!
nlpoe at hotmail dot com
Nancy Poe
we love to play baseball together

Children Teaching Mama said:

we follow via gfc! we love to go hiking! as long as we are outside, the boys are very happy!
writeroxie at gmail dot com
Roxanne DeBord

jillian said:

Follow on GFC and our favorite family activity is going to the cider mill!

Amy said:

I would like prize pack 1, then 3.

LB said:

I would like to win package 1, or package 2

We like to talk walks together!

petrellinyc-blog at yahoo dot com

Mami said:

I am a GFC follower - I LOVE heading to the beach with my family...just love the smiles and to win some items to get me ready for the bikini :)

Thanks for the chance,
floridafrugalfamily (at) yahoo DOT com

JM said:

GFC follower... our family activity, on the summer we go to the park every weekend and do bbqs

Lynda Del said:

I’m following you publicly via GFC. ID: lyndadawinda1074

My family and I love to go deep sea fishing.

I love to win Fitness Prize Pack 1
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

Thanks for the chance!

Betty: Reflections with Coffee said:

Family Fun Prize Pack or
second choice: Fitness Prize Pack # 2

follow via GFC
bmcbroom at gmail dot com
Betty: Reflections with Coffee

Unknown said:

I am a new GF follower and my family likes to go fishing and watersports and for indoors we love to play cards or board games. My daughter is working SO hard to get in shape and would love package 2! thanks so much!

ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

AStarrA said:

Follow and we loving swimming together, reading and movie night :)

CaseyCG said:

Follow via GFC (CaseyCG). I like the Family Fun Pack adn the Fitness Fun Pack #2 (but all are good).

Robyn said:

following via GFC
my favorite activity with my family is going for walks, we love to get out and enjoy the wonderful fall weather.

I really like the Family Fun Pack the most but would love to be considered for any of them

angelwcamowings at

Gosfam said:

I follow on GFC, and we love bike rides, and movie nights as a family.

Jessica said:

I follow through google friend connect. My favorite activity is going to the park. I would rank 2, 1, 3. Thanks for the giveaway!
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Momrempel said:

As a family one of our favorite things to do is go to the park for a picnic and play on the play structure! In the winter, we love to have homemade smores and hot chocolate on Saturday nights while watching hockey!

I love Family Fun Prize 1

Shirley from CANADA

Tara W said:

I follow through google friend connect.
I like Fitness Prize Pack number 1 and 2.
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

Let's Just Give It Away said:

We like to go for bike rides.

Pax (on both your houses) said:

Following with GFC.
Family meals are the best! Hear about everyone's day and get closer as a family.
Fitness #1, Fitness #2, and Family #1. I'm not interested in Fitness #3--if it's the only one left, pick someone else.

Michelle said:

We play outside with water, bubbles,balls, and love the park and zoo.
I follow GFC as Sticemichelle
Would love to win #1 or #2 as second choice.

Judy Joyce said:

I'm following under youthfultips and our fav activity is cooking dinner and watching a movie together Great prizes -

paulasue said:

Hi, I follow thru Google Friend Connect, our favorite activity is to play board games together. Thank you, Paula Caudill

supremevision said:

I am a follower via GFC and my favorite activity with my family is bowling. What makes it the most fun is that I totally suck at it, but they make it so much fun!!

smashbravo said:

Following on GFC
we love to sit and watch a movie, the girls and kids all together.

409cope said:

I follow through google friend. I like the fitness pak #1. We enjoy hiking as a family.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Andrea I said:

New GFC follower

My youngest daughter and I find events to attend together.

Fitness Pack 2
Fitness Pack 1

Arline said:

I follow you through google friends! I really like Family Fun Prize Pack 1, then Fitness Prize Pack 2 thanks for the chance

Angela said:
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angela said:

I follow you via GFC.
Our favorite activity is long walks at night to the local parks.

I would love to be considered for fitness package #2 and #1, in that order. Thanks!

KellieS said:

I'd love fitness prize 2 (first choice) fitness prize 1 (second choice) and family fun third.

Kellie Stone
following on GFC KellieS

Jaydensgrandma said:

My family loves riding horses together and would love winning the the Family Fun Prize Pack or Fitness Packs. I follow with GFC

Unknown said:

I follow your blog. we love picnics in the park and love to go on walks.

shirley said:

We like camping and walks.
Follow GFC
Family Fun Prize Pack 1

Unknown said:

I follow and we love swimming together

mellanhead74 at

Stormy said:

My favorite activity with my family is swimming!

Mama Bre' said:

I follow on GFC
We like to take walks and jump on trampolines together!
kambres @ gmail dot com

Amber said:

I'm a follower and we love going for bike rides together!


Tamara B. said:

Happy Blogmania and thank-you!
I am a follower GFC and we love to go to the beach or play with Wii games.

LL said:

I follow on GFC and we love to go for long walks with our daughter around didn't neighborhoods and on bike paths

Amanda Tempel said:

I am now following on Google Friend Connect. My favorite family activity is just playing classic board games, like Boggle.

I would love to win Family Prize Pack 1, but here is them in order:

1st Choices- Family Fun pack 1
2nd- Fitness Pack 1.
3rd- Fitness Pack 2.


Ellie Wright said:

I follow via GFC
Our family likes to camp and fish together.
I'd like to enter for #1 Family Fun
eswright18 at

Karla said:

follow w/ gfc
karlatrx AT gmail DOT com

I'd like #1

Ida Mae said:

#1 please!!

ida_mai at hotmail dot com

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said:

I am following via Google Friends Connect.
Our favorite activity is swimming.

Please enter me to win :

1. #1 Family Fun Pack
2.#1 Fitness Pack
3.#2 Fitness Pack

Thank you so much.

Jill Myrick @ jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com

mom2girls said:

I follr on GFC as Tracy Taylor, I would love the Family Fun Pack Prize #1 and I am in Canada.
To have fun as a family we like to bike and we love to go for hikes or to the beach on the ocean.
tracyschultz AT yahoo DOT com

Rex Robot Reviews said:

Thank you!!
rexreadingrobot at gmail dot com
Follower in USA :)

Favorite activity with the family is to walk my doggy :)

I♥thesecrazykids said:
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misscaseylee said:

i follow via GFc :)...we love to go bike riding!!

i live in the U.S.

I♥thesecrazykids said:

I would like to win the Family Fun Prize Pack 1. I am a follower. We like taking family walks to the park.

Jess L said:

Following my GFC! Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite activity with my family is our marathon Monopoly games on Sunday nights.

3NuttyKidz said:
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3NuttyKidz said:

follow on gfc - russshan2005
i love to play outside with my 3 little ones.
Shannon Arndt
Family funpack and fitness packs 1 and 2

CindyWindy2003 said:

"I follow this blog publicly via google friend connect

we like to play board games and cards.

I like all prizes, in priority, family fun night, fitness package 3 and fitness package 2.

Crystal Thompson said:

Crisatcafe at yahoo dot com
followed on gfc love #1
we love to go camping and hiking!

Anonymous said:

GFC follower (Lona728) We love to jump on our trampoline and use our Wii fit board as a family.
In order that I want:

Lona728@ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said:

Hi, I follow via GFC. I'd like to win #2 first, or #1 second.
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

My favorite activity with my family is taking walks around our neighborhood.

Anne said:

I follow on google friend connect and our favorite family activity is playing board games.

I'd rank them fitness pack #2, fitness pack #1, family fun pack.

ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

Viva said:

I follow via GFC. I'd love the chance for :
1. Family Fun Prize Pack 1
2. Fitness Prize Pack 1
3. Fitness Prize Pack 2
Contact info on my blog, Thanks!

Unknown said:
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Unknown said:

I follow via Google Friend Connect - Tiffypixie - Tiffypoot @ (

I enjoy TV time with my family
I like all the giveaways and would be happy to win any of them

Tabathia B said:
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Tabathia B said:

gfc follower and we usually do Wii fit or golf or go for a walk in the park and I like family prize pack #1 & fitness prize pack #2
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Saba M. said:

I follow on GFC!

We like to go on hikes!

I would like to win Fitness Prize Pack #2!

Leandrea at Coupons Are Great said:

We love bike riding! leandrea246 at hotmail dot com

won said:
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won said:

GFC follower. Love to win Fitness prize pack one or two.

I can't decide! So, I'll ask if you would if I win.

Favorite activity is hiking!

Thank you.

Sylvia said:
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sylvia said:

I follow
We like to play Wii games
I would pick the family fun pack 1

HomemadeBaby said:

I think I like the family fun pack #1 the best!
Our family likes to go on nightly walks together through the neighborhood.
I follow your blog with GFC (Homemadebaby)

momtoablessing said:

follow you via gfc

we love to walk together
and i would love #1

Sheila Hickmon said:

I'm already a Google Friend Connect Follower! My favorite activity with my family is playing softball on Sundays, we do it until it's just too cold to, and we always have a blast!

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Erin @ CanadianGiveaways said:

following on GFC and I'd love to win 1 then 2.

favorite activity is walking my dogs, who are my family for the time being!

Just Wrap It Fitness said:

I am following you on GFC!

Just Wrap It Fitness said:

I love all your prizes, great giveaway!!

jenny said:

i follo u on gfc and well the thing i like to do with my family we like going on walks and just haveing lots of fun doing all kinds of things if i'm picked i would hope i win #1 or#2 prize pack since i dont think that boot camp is here in my town thanks

jenny said:

just in case you need it since i for got to add it in the last post heresmy e-mail jenny9675309@yahoo(dot)com

Nicole said:

GFC follower and our favorite family activity is going on walks together almost every night after dinner
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Nicole said:

forgot to rank the prizes:
1st choice: family fun pack
2nd: fitness pack #1
3rd: fitness pack #2
4th: fitness pack #3
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com

Jennifer said:

New follower. Favorite family activity is swimming and or scavenger hunts at reunions.

BookNoise at gmail dot com

Kyla B said:

following via GFC! Our favorite family activity is definatly walking down to the river thats located about 15 minutes from home! I would love to win the Fitness Prize Pack #2! Second choice would be Family Fun Pack and Third would be Fitness Prize pack #1. Thank you so much. Happy Blogmania2010


♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said:
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♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said:

I follow GFC

Favorite thing to do with family is anything that gets us out of the house and doing something together that make s the kids smile. Like going to the beach or an amusement park.

Family Fun Prize #1, then 2, then 1 then 3 :) In that order

itzacin at aol dot com

Andrea said:
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Andrea said:

I follow on GFC! We love going to the park and playing baseball and soccer!
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com

Prize Rank: Fitness #2, Fitness #1, Family #1, Fitness #3

Marie said:

i am a follow via GFC

we like to have family game night on friday!

Billie said:

GFC follower. I like prizes 1 and 2. kekagel(at) Our favorite thing to do is cook dinner and sit down and watch a movie.

makeetis said:

I am now following on GFC and my favorite activity with my family is walking and watching movies then talking about them after we watch them

Mandy D. said:

GFC, email, and FB fan here! I would love Family Fun Prize Pack 1. My favorite activity is sitting back and watching movies and enjoying popcorn!!

Anonymous said:

following via google connect.

I love the family prize pack.


Anonymous said:

following via google connect.

I love the family prize pack.


our family activity now is playing soccer outside.

2kidsand8cats said:

Follow GFC we do alot of bike riding like the family pack Amy USA
amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said:

I am a new follower of The Freebie Junkie via Google Friend Connect
My favorite activity with my family is playing sports together such a soccer and football.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Andrea Kruse said:

I follow you on GFC (andrea kruse)
I love going swimming with my family. We love a few different water parks in the area.
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Lyndsey said:

I follow. My fav activity is swimming!


Lynn_Young_2010 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

Jodi Shaw said:

already a google follower
I love your site! Great giveaway. My family and I love to snuggle and watch a good movie. I know boring lol.

Any of the prize packs are good, no particular order. I'd be grateful to win at all.
cnjshaw at gmail dot com

Pam S said:

we like playing wii fit and going for walks together

preference order:

Family Fun Prize Pack 1
Fitness Prize Pack 2
Fitness Prize Pack 1

gfc follower pams00

Pam S
pams00 @

Soggy Cereal Mom said:

Our family loves taking walks and picnicking together.

I would love the Family Fun Prize Pack 1!

Following via GFC:
Soggy Cereal Mom
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Unknown said:

Following via GFC!! My favorite family activity is movie night with them!!


Kirsten said:

GFC follower Kirsten Thompson
My favorite activity is a picnic, playing at the park, and exploring the beach (and I love living in a city where we can do all 3 in one place!)
Family Fun is my first choice and Fitness #1 is my second choice (in Canada)
Thanks for the opportunity :)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said:

My order of favs is

Anonymous said:

I am a google follower

Amy delong said:

already follow by gfc(amydelong)
We love swimming,walking,playing sports together!

Kel said:
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica said:

I already follow with gfc
and I love taking hikes with my family.

Kel said:

Follow vis GFC (Kel's Blog). We love playing games together and hiking! :) I love the family prize pack the best, but love the next two as well. Thanks for the chance.

Connie Black said:

Wow, great giveaways.
I am a GFC follower
Our favorite things to do is play games, some of our favorites are 4-square and badmitton.
I think #1 is my favorite, but I also like #3 and #2.
Thanks for the chance!
epblack at zoominternet dot net

Unknown said:

I follow on GFC, our fave family activity is vacationing!! and playing the Wii together

josieke said:

I follow you at GFC as josieke ricks
i would love to win #1
my favorite thing to do with my failly is play games and make crafts

Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said:

follow via gfc, we love to go to the park


Anonymous said:

I would love to win prize pack # 1..

My favorite thing to do with my familiy is go to the park and have a picnic!!! Or Sit at home and play the wii & board games!

Unknown said:

I am a new follower! Love your blog!
My favorite family activity is going to the park with the dogs. We all get out the house for some fresh air and always think of a fun new game!

I would like Family fun pack, then fitness pack #2, #1, #3

Great giveaway!

Aly at infertilityoverachievers dot com

CathyH said:

Hi! follower!
1. Family Fun Prize
2.Fitness 2
3. Fitness 3

✿Heather S✿ said:

I'm a GFC follower!
My favorite activity is going on hikes!

I would like to be entered into all. I like them in this order 1,2,3

Thanks for the chance!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

peg42 said:

I'm a GFC follower (rickpeggysmith)

I love to go for walks or hikes with my family.

I'd like to enter for Family Fun Prize Pack 1


redfuzzycow said:

i already follow you on gfc (redfuzzycow)
my family and i like to go hiking
redfuzzycow (at) yahoo (dot) com

Barb said:

Great giveaway thanks! barb g. directorylanesuperstore(AT)

maureen73 said:

I follow and our favorite family activity is swimming and taking long bike rides together!

Anonymous said:

I follow your blog and would love to be entered into your giveaway for Prize Pack #1 or #2....I do not live by the Epic Boot Camp and there can not use the prize.

My husband and I walk every night, we also have bikes but the summer was so hot we didn't ride them, we start soon now that the weather is getting cooler


Pip444 said:

Follow on GFC and we like to go for walks together.

Pamela Scott said:

follow on GFC as Pam Ponder and would love prize no 2

Betty C said:
This comment has been removed by the author.
Betty C said:

I follow with GFC. We like to go camping and hiking.
I would like either Fitness Prize pack 2 or 2.

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