Inbox Dollars

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Review/Giveaway: Pillsbury Sweet Moments

As a working Mom - "me" time doesn't happen as much as I'd like. I would consider "me" time to be getting a pedicure or a girls night out, but both can be a costly affair.  But now "me" time just got very affordable and sweeter.  Pillsbury has introduced two new ways to enjoy life´s little luxuries with Sweet Moments Bite-Size and Molten Lava Brownies.  I recently tried the Sweet Moments Bite-Size and Molten Lava brownies for free during a Genuardi's deal and was pleasantly surprised by how good they were. 


My favorite had to be the Sweet Moments Bite-Size brownies.  These were a great "me" time snack at work and at 60 calories per brownie, they´re just enough to satisfy my sweet tooth.  


The Sweet Moments Molten Lava brownie were a great "me" time after the kids went to bed.  These are served in single-serve bowls and are also available in rich caramel and fudge varieties. Each are covered in decadent chocolate or creamy caramel and topped with a chocolatey drizzle. After only 15 seconds in the microwave, the brownie bowls were warm and ready to enjoy.

Now the question is shall I share my new found "me" time with the family?  I guess if I use the $1/1 coupon found on the Pillsbury website I could manage sharing....

But I don't plan on sharing my chocolate spa kit that Pillsbury sent to me for my honest review ; )  The spa kit included a loofah, mint chocolate foot scrub, milk chocolate body lotion, cocoa chocolate shower gel, and cocoa chocolate bath salts.

One of my readers will win the same prize pack I received
(a VIP coupon for the new Pillsbury Sweet Moments and a chocolate spa kit)



Make a comment telling me which time of the day you would eat your Pillsbury Sweet Moments?

 Additional Entries
(Complete any of the following and submit a SEPARATE comment below for each additional entry)

- Follow the Freebie Junkie on Google Friend Connect
- Like me on Facebook (Addicted to Freebies) and make a comment that "I entered the Pillsbury Sweet Moments Giveaway here"
- Like Pillsbury on Facebook and make a comment that "I entered the Pillsbury Sweet Moments Giveaway here"
-Email subscribe to my blog (must be activated)
- Follow me on Twitter (Freebiealerts) and retweet - "I entered the Pillsbury Sweet Moments Giveaway here"
- Follow Pillsbury Treats on Twitter and retweet - "I entered the Pillsbury Sweet Moments Giveaway here"

Giveaway ends on Monday September 13th, 2010 @ 9 pm EST.  Please make sure I have a way to contact you if you win.  Winners will be chosen via The winner will receive an email notifying them that they won. If I do not receive a response within 48 hours, another winner will be selected. Open to US residents only.

Disclosure: Pillsbury provided me with the free product, information, and prize pack through MyBlogSpark for my honest review, opinions may vary.


Suburban prep said:

I would want it after dinner. A wonderful sweet to sleep on.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Suburban prep said:

I am a follower via GFC

Phoenix said:

Mmm, chocolate! I would like it in the late afternoon as a treat after a hard day of work.

Bonnie Patterson said:

I would enjoy this after coming home from a hard day at college and finishing my homework this would make the day worth it all

Barb said:

Wow that is the cutest thing ever! Lucky you! I love pillsbury & myblogspark. I'd eat mine at 10am for my keep my blood sugar up snack & then nibble on it every 2&1/2 hours when I have to do it again. This would keep me set for a few days at that rate! barb g. Lots of giveaways running & I've disabled comment word verifications!

Barb said:

I do follow your blog on google friends connect. I was going to join you on twitter but when you clidk the blue birdie box it doesn't work. barb g. Lots of giveaways!

Barb said:

i am now following your blog on facebook as barb g.

Barb said:

I already followed Pillsbury on facebook, long time buyer. I did leave the message as requested. barb g. Lots of fun giveaways.

Barb said:

I do subscribe to your email newsletter which is how I found this giveaway the first of yours I think I've entered but I'll be around now. barb g. Lots of giveaways on my blog.

Barb said:

I did sign up with your twitter account thru the link in the giveaway. I posted the tweet as requested. barb g.

Barb said:

Ok, I was already signed up for pillsbury's twitter account but I posted about the giveaway. Man, this is the most tweeting I've ever done I want some goodies! barb g.

Anonymous said:

I would eat those after the kids are in bed. I do not share my sweets !

S Rossignol

Anonymous said:

I am an email subscriber

S Rossignol

Amy said:

I would eat them morning, noon and night hehehe


Amy said:

Following you with GFC now


kathy55439 said:

I would eat it in a hot tub after a long day of work

kathy55439 said:

I follow Pillsbury on facebook and said you sent me with your link

kathy55439 said:

GFC follower kathy55439

Amy said:

My time of day is at the end of the day when the kids are in bed.

Amy said:

I like you on FB as Amy K V and posted about your giveaway.

Tina said:

I love my time which is after 10:00pm each night! Everyone is off to bed( including my husband) and I take 1/2 hour for my self.

Sara said:

I enjoy any treats for myself after the kids are in bed! LOVE the Pilsbury Sweet Moments :)

Sara said:

Also "like" you on fb and posted a comment.

eclairre said:

I'd enjoy it in the evening!

shirley said:

Would enjoy at the end of the day.

Sweeter the berry said:

I would eat it in the afternoon.

Sweeter the berry said:

gfc follower/

Sweeter the berry said:

email subscriber

Sweeter the berry said:

Like Pillsbury on Facebook/letesshaw and I made a comment!/posted.php?id=195184929562&share_id=116122501774103&comments=1#s116122501774103

hdrake said:

I would have my sweet indulgence when the kids are in bed at 9pm. My quiet time!!

hdrake said:

I am a fb follower!

hdrake said:

I am a Google freind connect!

hdrake said:

Already an email subscriber!

hdrake said:

I am a Pillsbury follower on fb!

Jennifer said:

Time of day... all day for me! jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com

Amber said:

I'd probably eat mine after DH and the baby are in I don't have to share! :)

amberlowmiddleton at gmail dot com

Tanya said:

There is no telling when I may eat mine. I love my sweets!!!! There doesn't have to be any certain time. LOL

Tanya said:

Jennifer said:

I follow you on Twitter /(@jkgorcery) and I tweeted:


Jennifer said:

I follow Pillsbury Treats on Twitter /(@jkgorcery) and I tweeted:


The Minister's Wife said:

Follow through Google!!

The Minister's Wife said:

"liked" Pillsbury and posted the link.

The Minister's Wife said:

Subscribe to your blog & have for a while now. Love it!!!

The Minister's Wife said:

The time of day i would eat Sweet Moments would be any time I could get a few minutes to myself!!!

Anonymous said:

I like sweets any time of the day.

Anonymous said:

I would eat my sweet moments sweets roughly at about 10 am when the price is right is on. My 9 month old is napping and I have about an hour to myself.

Unknown said:

I would eat it after a long day when all the kids are in bed and enjoying my spa specials.

Unknown said:

Like you on facebook and left comment
tjb1127 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said:

Like Pillsbury on facebook
tjb1127 at yahoo dot com

Thia said:

Subscribing via google reader.

Thia said:

At night after the kids are in bed, it's treat time!

Unknown said:

Subscribed in email
tjb1127 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said:

Follow on twitter as mtb127
tjb1127 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said:

I'm a chocoholic who feels there is no bad time for chocolate. I would open my eyes and reach for my sweet moments for set up my day!

Unknown said:

Follow pillsbury on twitter
tjb1127 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said:

I would eat Pillsbury Sweet Moments for a satisfying afternoon snack :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said:

Publicly following The Freebie Junkie with Google Friend Connect [Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug}]

Anonymous said:

I like Addicted to Freebies on Facebook and left a Wall comment

Anonymous said:

I like Pillsbury on Facebook and left a Wall comment

Anonymous said:

Subscribed to The Freebie Junkie by email

Anonymous said:

Following @freebiealerts on Twitter and Tweeted the giveaway

Anonymous said:

Following @PillsburyTreats on Twitter and Tweeted the giveaway

Lauren said:

mid-afternoon snacks!

skgaff said:

I would eat it at night after I've put the kids to bed!

skgaff said:

subscribe to emails

Tree said:

I would eat my Pillsbury Sweet Moments after the kids were in bed. ;)
Tree @ Mother of Pearl It Is

Tree said:

Already follow FJ on GFC...Tree Lindsay
Tree @ Mother of Pearl It Is

Tree said:

"Like" you on FB and left a comment...Tree Lindsay
Tree @ Mother of Pearl It Is

Tree said:

"Like" Pillsbury on FB and left a comment...Tree Lindsay
Tree @ Mother of Pearl It Is

Tree said:

Follow you on Twitter and tweeted giveaway HERE
Tree @ Mother of Pearl It Is

Tree said:

Follow Pillsbury on Twitter and tweeted giveaway HERE
Tree @ Mother of Pearl It Is

Erin from Long Island said:

I would love to enjoy my Sweet Moment after dinner as I wind down for bed

Erin from Long Island said:

gfc follower

Erin from Long Island said:

like, commented on facebook
erin neu

Erin from Long Island said:

like, commented on Pillsbury's FB page
erin neu

Erin from Long Island said:

email subscriber

Erin from Long Island said:

Follow Pillsbury Treats on Twitter and retweeted

Erin from Long Island said:

Follow you on Twitter and retweeted

The Minister's Wife said:

liked you on facebook and left the comment.

Kimberly said:

I would eat my Pillsbury Sweet Moments in the afternoon; after a long day of hardcore shopping in the Florida weather, I would pull these out of my freezer as a nice cool treat.

kdmiller90 at live dot com

Kimberly said:

I follow you via Google Friend Connect!

kdmiller90 at live dot com

Kimberly said:

I like you on facebook and commented saying "I entered the Pillsbury Sweet Moments Giveaway here"!

kdmiller90 at live dot com

Kimberly said:

I like Pillsbury on facebook and commented saying that "I entered the Pillsbury Sweet Moments Giveaway here"!

kdmiller90 at live dot com

Kimberly said:

I subscribed to your blog via email!

kdmiller90 at live dot com

Anonymous said:

I would have to say that I would eat mine at nap time. My 20 month old and 7 month old take their nap about noon/1 ish and by that time it is much needed and mommy needs something good to relax with!

Anonymous said:

I follow you on Google friend connect!

Anonymous said:

I email subscribe to your blog!

Anonymous said:

I would eat it right after I work out....then I'd deserve it!! :) I'd run, take a yummy smelling spa bath or shower, then eat the delish food!!!!!!

April Oliver said:

I would have to eat mine as a mid-afternoon snack! Hopefully my co-workers wouldn't want me to share! :)

April Oliver said:

I follow on GFC.

Amani Scott said:

I would eat mine mid morning. After I have gotten my second grader off to school and my 9 month old take his morning nap. Mmmm... 45 mins of ME time. If I'm lucky. :)

Unknown said:

I would eat it in the evening for a late night snack in front of the tv after work!

TRINA said:

Why rob yourself of true indulgence,
eat one in the morning after the children are off to school, one after lunch, and one before u go to bed for sweet dreams.

supremevision said:

I would eat mine in the afternoon while watching my favorite Lifetime movie :) No hubby, No Kids, just me, Lifetime and chocolate--YUM

supremevision said:

I "like" Addicted to freebies on facebook and I commented :)--Katrice Supremevision Miller

supremevision said:

I like Pillsbury on facebook and I commented :)--Katrice Supremevision Miller

supremevision said:

I subscribe via email :)

supremevision said:

I follow Freebiealerts on twitter and I tweeted :)--@supremevision

supremevision said:

I follow Pillsbury Treats on twitter and I tweeted :)--@supremevision

Anonymous said:

middle of the afternoon, during the slump time when I'm starting to run on low!

Cathy said:

I like ti enjoy them after a long hard day at work it's a great way to relax and treat myself to something sweet

MomToC said:

I love to enjoy my chocolate and sweet dessert when I'm all alone in the AM.

jonnausa at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said:

Hi, I'd eat my Pillsbury Sweet Moments right after dinner.
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said:

I follow the Freebie Junkie on Google Friend Connect.

Anonymous said:

I like you on Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker) and I wrote on your wall here:

Anonymous said:

I email subscribe to your blog.

Anonymous said:

I follow you on Twitter. Here's my tweet -

Anonymous said:

I follow Pillsbury Treats on Twitter (@shala_darkstone).

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