Inbox Dollars

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Congratulations - We have some winners: Coupon Chief $25 Visa Gift Cards, $20 CSN GC & Step4kids DVD

Lots of winners tonight : )

We have two winners for the Coupon Chief Facebook contest

Aisha H from Oregon
Sharyn B from California

A $25 Visa Gift Cards will be winging their way to each of you shortly! 
Thank you to Coupon Chief for supplying the Visa Gift Cards.

We have a winner for the Step4Kids Write Their ABC's DVD

Shannon A from Michigan
Johanna responded to my mandatory comment (Who would benefit from this DVD the most?) "My 4 year old son, then my 3 year old daughter and finally, my 16 month old son!! It would get used that's for sure...LOL".  A Step4kids Write their ABC's DVD will be sent to Johanna by the sponsor. 

We have a winner for the $20 CSN Gift Certificate

Ramona from the Paper Princess

Ramona responded to my mandatory comment (How would you spend your $20?) with "I love CSN and would use it on kitchen gadgets!" Happy Spending!

Thank you to all that participated in these fun giveaways and a huge thank you to each of my wonderful sponsors. 

There's plenty more giveaways to enter - check the top right side bar for the links : )


Create With Joy said:

Congrats to all of the winners and thanks so much for picking me as your CSN winner! I have dropped you a confirmation e-mail and look forward to receiving the GC!


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