Well you might know that Target is my favorite All around store to shop at. Its close to my work and I love to super stack my coupons there. Well Target just placed a whole bunch of new coupons there - so print away now here.
There are a few apparel coupons that caught my eye - great to pair up with a sale or clearance price
*$3/1 Adult Denim Apparel Item
*$3/1 Men’s or Women’s Sweater Item
*$2/1 Merona Women’s Socks or Hosiery Item
*$2/1 Kids’ Denim Apparel Item Girls or boys
This coupon "$1/1 Produce Purchase of $1 or More" means free bananas to me ; )
While you are in a printing mood check out coupons.com and redplum.com for more coupons! YAY for printable coupons.
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