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Free Bag of Ruffles Chips

Like Ruffles on Facebook and you'll be sent a coupon for 99c off a 99c bag of ruffles.  If I do my math correctly - this means FREE

How to Delete an Application on Facebook Want to delete an application that you had to allow in order to get your freebie? It’s easy, just go to “Account” at the top right of your Facebook page then click on “Privacy Settings”. Look at the bottom left for “Edit your settings’ under Applications and Websites. You can then view all applications you’ve allowed and delete any that you wish by clicking on the “x” on the far right for each application listed.


Becky Jane said:

Thanks for the link...I got mine!

الماسة said:
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This comment has been removed by the author.
ahmed said:

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el-jokr said:

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77tunes said:

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