There are more and more Mom's out in the work place, now more than ever as the economy doesn't seem to be getting back to normal yet. As us Mom's hit the workforce our work at home doesn't go away! We still tend to the family by cooking meals, helping with homework, grocery shopping, paying bills and the dreaded cleaning. In our household my husband has a very demanding job and we are forever grateful for his abilities to provide so generously. As a result, my job as a working Mom is that much more important...
If I were abducted by aliens/Martians my kids would miss the following:
1. Mummy's kisses and cuddles
2. All the freebies and deals that I bring home to help reduce our household bills
3. Playdates - I enjoy organizing playdates with my children's friends as the Mom's and I are also friends. So these playdates actually give us Mom's a much needed social break as well as fun time for the kids.
4. Cool clothes - I find a lot of deals on brand name items with coupons and deals online and instore that are way cheaper than the store generics and actually last longer as they are well made.
5. Mummy's cooking
6. Walks outside - I have a pedometer challenge at work and I'm forever trying to find excuses to walk more so I drag the kids outside with me on my walks
7. Clean clothes - I do all the laundry in the house and make sure everyone is dressed clean
8. Shopping trips - I do all the grocery shopping in the house and the kids love coming with me, especially when I'm armed with coupons. They love handing over the coupons to the cashier
9. Movie Monday nights - with all my redbox free codes we are able to watch a lot of movies that we would not generally pay for.
10. Fun trips - through my blog I am able to secure fun family deals for day trips and vacations. We've been blessed to be able to go on trips through blogging experiences too.
I think my list would be a lot longer if it were what my husband would miss (LOL)
Hopefully this would never happen as I don't think men are quite cut out for the life we Mom's lead.
Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
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