I recently was accepted as a Purex Insider.
This honor allows me to get exclusive sneak peeks and basically become a brand ambassador.
Watch out for future reviews and giveaways.... but first head here to see what its all about.
I'm pretty excited as this is my "go to" brand. Last year I stocked up on Purex Free & Clear using coupons and I'm still working through my stock pile.

Almost all traditional liquid fabric softeners are oil-based which can decrease the lifespan of your fabrics because they coat your fabrics in oil. Purex Complete Crystals™ Softener is composed of 92% natural crystals, not oil based which work by penetrating the fabric and infusing fibers with freshness.
The 6 Sides of Purex Complete Crystals
Soft- Light and fluffy softness
Natural - 92% natural Ingredients
Versatile - For all loads including towels, children's sleepwear, and sportswear
Convenient - Add at the start of the wash
Clean - Free of oil-based softening ingredients found in liquid softeners
Fresh - Scent that lasts for weeks, not days
Simply pour your crystals right in with your laundry and wash as normal
While I'm not a huge fan of fragrances in my laundry, I do like the Fresh Water Spring scent. Our clothes and bedding smell fresh like it should and now I can expect to save a bit of money with longer life expectancy in our clothes through using Purex Complete Crystals Softener.
Disclosure: Purex kindly provided me with a product for our honest review, others opinions may vary.
cant wait to try this...seems really convenient..dont know how many times ive missed the rinse cycle
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