We have a radon remediation system in our house. Every few years its best practice to test for radon to see if the system is doing its job. If you have never had radon tested in your home its worth doing so for peace of mind!
Here's a nice radon freebie courtesy of The American Lung Association (only for certain states though)
I just ordered one as I live in PA
Select states can get FREE radon test kits: Delaware, District of Columbia, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas and Vermont.
Each radon test is designed to work as an initial screening test. You should use it in the lowest lived-in level of your home. Directions are included. The test should be exposed to the air in your home for four to seven days before being returned promptly to the testing laboratory for analysis and report preparation. Postage, analysis, and a report of the results are all part of the no-fee package.
Only one radon kit is available per household. If multiple kits are requested from a single computer, only the first request will be fulfilled. Please allow four to eight weeks for delivery.
Thanks Deal Seeking Mom
I was just talking to my husband about doing a radon test...I think this is the only time I wish that we still lived in New Mexico (just to get a free kit lol).
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