I have two little ones who often come back from school covered in paint, food and mud. After a long day at work, I barely have time for laundry let alone time to pretreat stains. So anything that makes my life easier is good for me. Purex with Zout is my easy. Purex my "go to" detergent now combines the stain pretreater Zout in one. We're in the market to upgrade to a new high efficiency washer and dryer so its good to know Purex with Zout can be used in all types of washers because you know I'll be stockpiling this.

FREEBIE ALERTWe love allergenic, dye and scent free products in our household so its great to know there are two scents available: Fresh Morning Burst and Free & Clear. Head on over to Purex and score a FREE sample of Purex Complete with Zout! You can't beat free, right? Go try it on your toughest stains!
Thanks to Purex not 1 but 2 Freebie Junkie readers will each win a coupon for one free Purex Complete with Zout detergent
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mysterious stains from daycare (paint? food?)...sometimes I really have no idea what they are!! One time the daycare teachers used "cheap" (their words) playdoh that stained all of her clothes. I was sooo angry!! She's 2 people...put a darn smock on her!!!
I could really use any laundry detergent or stain remover you have!
Thank you!!
I have a one year old so she gets food stains all over her clothes
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The most common stains in our house are spaghetti sauce and chocolate syrup. Thanks for the review and giveaway!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
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the most common stain at my house is grease djackson1958@hotmail.com
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Ketchup is are highest stain by far!
mrsweslowski at yahoo dot com
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Ashleigh W.
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The hardest stain to get out was grease.
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we deal with grass stains and mud from baseball fields.
uncashbug6 at aol dot com
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The most common stains in our household are food stains
jenhedger at hotmail dot com
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ground in baseball dirt is the hardest for me to get out
msboatgal at aol.com
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The most common stains are from juice! captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com
The worst stain in my house would have to be pasta sauce stains. Thanks for the giveaway!
kdmiller90 (at) live (dot) com
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Mustard stains, yuck!
Tomato sauce is the most frequent stain at our house.
Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com
Orange pop stain are my problem. Cheryl cjabdelnour@hotmail.com
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I am a facebook fan. Cheryl cjabdelnour@hotmail.com
The most common stain in my house is from deoderant! Drives me batty!
monkeygirlsavings @ rocketmail.com
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Grass stains
kristen_yeh at yahoo dot com
grass stains are the worst djackson1958@hotmail.com
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The most common stains in our house are either grass or food! thanks for the chance!! info@breastfeeding-with-love.com
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The most common stains in our home are food stains.
mostly food and paint stains!
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Grease stains are my nightmare.
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most common is food stains and grass stains- i hve 2 babies
tcogbill at live dot com
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Grease stains are common in our house!
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Chocolate milk on my toddlers shirts are the worst! erinnsluka@gmail.com
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Most common stain is sauce stains
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Patricia Mohl
Grape juice is a big problem in our house!
tacomaprncss at aol dot com
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The worst (and most) stains I have to deal with are ketchup. My kids ruin more clothes with ketchup than anything!
epblack at zoominternet dot net
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