What's the lowest gas price you remember?
I had a Beetle 10 years ago and in St Louis MO I remembered 99 cent/gallon and could fill my Beetle up for $13. Now it costs me $45 to fill my car up (I don't have a Beetle now with 2 kids).
If you live in PA, here's a deal not to be MISSED. TOMMOROW, (Tuesday, March 29th) The first 100 people to Heilman Sunoco Gas Station in Willow Grove PA (10am-12pm only) gets 10c/gallon gas! WOW
"Like" Spark Energy on Facebook at: www.Facebook.com/SparkEnergyPA
Click on the "Gas Giveaway" tab to download and print the 10¢ a Gallon Gas Giveaway coupon for Tuesday, March 29th - one coupon per person per car - while supplies last!
Fine Print
Coupon good for one automobile tank fill-up from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on 3/29/11, only at Heilman Sunoco Gas Station located at 710 Easton Road in Willow Grove, PA. Customers may begin lining up for promotional gas giveaway no earlier than 9:50 am on 3/29/11 and must enter through the Ellis Road entrance. Must have printed coupon at time of purchase. Limit one per customer per car. All rights reserved. Certain terms and conditions apply.
Spark Energy offers a 10% discount rate of 8.93¢ per kilowatt hour over PECO. Learn more at http://www.sparkenergy.com/.
See you there at the Heilman Sunoco Gas Station in Willow Grove PA on Tuesday!!!
Disclosure: "I occasionally receive compensation in the form of gift cards and products for posts. However, the opinions I share are solely my own."
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