Extreme Couponing airs at 9.30 pm (EST) tonight
Are you watching? Do you dare?
Last week's was interesting and the days after was a blog drama fest as accusations flew regarding one extreme couponer.
Like any reality TV show, you have to take it with a pinch of salt. While I do not particpate in extreme couponing I get the rush they are feeling when their $1000 grocery bill is reduced to less than $5 - however its made for TV viewers rating and so their cart full of crap (i.e. 35 bottles of antacid) is really not worth the effort in my opinion. Remember, its called extreme for a reason......
Like any reality TV show, you have to take it with a pinch of salt. While I do not particpate in extreme couponing I get the rush they are feeling when their $1000 grocery bill is reduced to less than $5 - however its made for TV viewers rating and so their cart full of crap (i.e. 35 bottles of antacid) is really not worth the effort in my opinion. Remember, its called extreme for a reason......
It has definatly motivated me to "try" couponing more, and since January when I started using more coupons, and really doing the work involved in studying the ads, clipping , etc. I've saved over $700 and i dont have to buy a lot of household items again for at least 6 months =)
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