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Mommy Brings Home the Bacon Book Review


I'm a working mom by choice and while I love my job as a mom, wife and career woman, I do feel guilty at times such as when my children ask me to pick them up from school early like their friends mom's do.  I think every mom whether they work from home, work outside of the home and stay at home feel guilt in some way shape or form.  Even dad's feel guilt.  All that matters really is that my children are surrounded by love, be it from us, family their teachers and friends.

I jumped at the chance to review the book "Mommy brings home the bacon" written by Nikki Mark.  A few years ago, Nikki's older son (age four at the time) began questioning why she was going to work everyday. As he became increasingly more anxious about it, she searched online for a book to help her provide an explanation to which he could relate. After searching a few of the larger online booksellers, she quickly realized that children's books that discussed the topic of working moms were hard to come by, and the few that did, didn't work in her situation.

Mommy Brings Home the Bacon is a heartwarming children's book that explores the touching relationship between a young boy and his working mom. Told from the young boy's perspective, the whimsical narrative reflects a child's imaginative interpretation of why mommy goes to work, and the beautiful bond that develops as a result.

When my book arrived I was eager for bedtime to arrive so we could read the book together.  My daughter caught sight of the book and carried it upstairs for us to read.  My kids loved the title because it had the word bacon in it.  Half way through reading my daughter gives me a kiss on the cheek and gave me a long lasting hug.  I was overwhelmed by her love as I knew she "got it" (she's a smart cookie for only being 4).  I loved how bringing home the bacon for an adult means bring home the money but this is not quite explained in the book but it didn't need to be as kids understand abstract ideas.  The pictures were just wonderful and worked well with the narrative.  If you are working mom this is a must for your children's library and it gives you a little boost as you know your children now "get you".

Purchase yours on for $12.48 + Shipping
If you have SwagBucks to use, then even better! 

Check out Nikki's website and blog here


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