Inbox Dollars

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75c/1 Lofthouse cookies printable coupon

My daughter saw these once at checkout and insisted we have them.  We were heading to a party so I obliged.  When I tasted it I was hooked.  Oh my its so soft and yummy but afraid its one of those a moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips deal!  But SOOO good.

To soften the blow here's a 75c/1 printable coupon, my store doubles so this will come down to a fabulous price for me.

I'm also printing these:

I'm going to stock up for my son's birthday party which is coming up very soon!  6 year old in the house soon - yay


Radtkecustoms said:

These are my girls favorites as well. Didn't know they came mini-sized. I eat one of the regular ones and I have a sugar buzz for most of the rest of the day.

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