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Fotobounce Review - Photo Sharing and Organization Made Easy

Fotobounce - Photo organizing with face recognition
With the advent of digital cameras and iphones, I have countless photos of my children, family and friends.  its wonderful to see the progression in my children's growth over the years.  You forget how tiny they were.  However, organization is not my strong point and my photos sit downloaded onto my laptop by date.  Its frustrating trying to pull a specific photo of my child from the photo library when I have to try to remember when I took said photo.  For all you busy mama's in the same dilemma check out Fotobounce.
Fotobounce offers a safe and confidential place to store, organize and share personal photos with friends and family.  There are a few features such as face recognition technology and it is also facebook, twitter and flickr compatible which puts Fotobounce heads above other photo storage sites. 
Easy Download
 The software can be downloaded from here and was pretty simple to do. It is compatible with either Windows or Mac and there are two options: Free with ads or $49 version with no ads.  Being a Freebie Junkie I opted for the free version to test it out, the ads are on top and not intrusive.  If I like it I might opt for the paid version as really $49 is not a bad price for your long term needs.  Photos can easily be dragged and dropped into the program.
 Just like Facebook where you can tag your friends and family in photos, Fotobounce offers this function too.  The idea is to tag as many faces as possible and it should start recognizing faces and automatically tag for you.  For me this is a nice feature as I can sort my photos by people.  Its cute to see the progression of my children over the years.  There are other multiple ways to sort the photos such as date, event, place, collection and keywords.

I share some of my photos on facebook but not all make it on there as its not person specific.  Fotobounce offers control to who has access to your personal photo through a private network of friends and family, referred to as “Bouncers”. The Private Network is a close group of people where Fotobounce users (aka Bouncers) invite friends and family to share their photo libraries.  I like the "Skype" like feature where you can see whether your friends are online.
Social Media
As a blogger the ability for Fotobounce to be compatible with Facebook, Flickr and Twitter is very important.  Sharing photos on Facebook and Flickr is effortless with Fotobounce. Photos are uploaded directly from Fotobounce – with tags and descriptions intact. There’s no need to spend additional time painstakingly re-tagging photos and no browser-based transfers or third-party software is required.  Fotobounce is the only solution in the industry that allows an entire album to be attached to a single tweet.

I look forward to seeing an iphone and ipad app soon.

Check out Fotobounce on facebook where you can also download the app
Read more about Fotobounce on their website here
Join Fotobounce on Twitter here

This is a nice well thought out program and serves my needs for sharing on a personal and blogging capacity.
Disclosure: Fotobounce is providing compensation for my honest opinions, please note others opinions may vary.


Aminah Haghighi said:

love it!

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