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Thanks Hip2save
Be weary of this! When I signed up, the confirmation page said I had been subscribed to Good Housekeeping magazine and would be billed for $7.95, and no option to cancel or unsubscribe. Sigh...I'm not looking forward to having to deal with this. :\
Anyone else have this problem?
Hi Twee - did you make sure you did this **IMPORTANT NOTE** Be sure to click on the ‘click here’ button (see the image below) so that you will NOT get subscribed to Good Housekeeping magazine!
Even if you are subscribed when you get your first payment card just write CANCEL in big letters and they won't bother you again. I've done this for a Just Seventeen Magazine sub that i did not want but was just entering a contest. Otherwise just call their 1800 number and they will resolve it. Good luck.
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