Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them. ~ John Shirley
Reminder for this fab freebie
Snag a FREE DVD rental from RedBox for the night of Thursday, August 25th. Head on over here, “like” Redbox (if you haven’t already), click on the America’s Movie Night tab and you’ll snag a unique code that will be valid for a kiosk rental from Midnight CST through 11:59PM on 8/25 only.
Fine Print:
Code is valid at kiosks between 12am CT and 11:59:59pm CT on 8/25/11.
1 time use of code only.
Valid for a 1-night standard DVD rental or for a $1 discount off the first night’s daily rental fee for a Blu-ray Disc or video game at kiosk only.
Limit 1 code per transaction.
Code not valid online, via app, or for prior rentals.
Your payment card (necessary for any rental) will be charged the excess daily rental fee for a Blu-ray Disc or video game, if applicable, plus tax (except for MD rental transactions for which additional tax is not charged), and will be charged the daily rental fee (without any discount) for all items plus applicable tax (except for MD rental transactions) for each night you do not return your rental by 9:00 pm local time (at the kiosk) after the first rental night.
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