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Hurricane Preparedness

The East Coast is bracing itself for the Monster Hurricane Irene 

Lets pray that Irene decides to take a right hook!

Today we were at the Jersey shore enjoying a beach day, it was serenly quiet as everyone evacuated (mandatory evacuation in place).  We also helped my sister in law prepare her home and now we are home in PA preparing for the worst.  Tommorow we will be making sure our home is secure and that we are prepared.  Here's a list that will help you be prepared.  Even if you are not on the East Coast its always good to be prepared with a Disaster Supply Kit ‘Go Bag’and keep certain items around the house and workplace in the event you are isolated for three to five days without power

•Canned goods and nonperishable foods that do not need cooking:
◦Canned meats and fish
◦Canned fruits and vegetables
◦Canned soups and puddings
◦Canned fruit juices
◦Dried fruit and nuts
◦Bread, cookies and crackers
◦Peanut butter and jelly
•Manual can opener
•Bottled water (1 gallon per person/per day)
•Prescription medication (2 week supply)
•Extra eyeglasses
•Pet food/supplies
•Water purification tablets (halazone)
•Disposable plates, cups, and utensils
•Infant care items:

Its highly likely we will have power outages late Saturday and all day Sunday and possibly into the early week depending on severity of tropical storm we'll be experiencing here in PA. 

Please everyone stay SAFE

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Diddlepoyner said:

I would add trash bags in there tooo, not only are they good for trash but they make a really good rain coat!

The Freebie Junkie said:

awesome idea Diddlepoyner : )

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