Inbox Dollars

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7000+ Facebook Fan GIVEAWAY: 7-Inch LCD Digital Photo Frame


We reached 7000+ facebook fans : ) and so to my loyal facebook fans 1 lucky Freebie Junkie reader will win a 7-Inch LCD Digital Photo Frame ($93.95 value)

I have a LCD digital frame at home and at work and love seeing pictures flash up of my family. I purchased this prize for you from Savemore (daily deal site).  If you want to buy it for yourself here is a deal scenario which will get some Christmas gifts off your list.

Purchase the 7-Inch LCD Digital Photo Frame $35 (ships free)
New members get a $10 credit with Savemore taking the price own to $25 SHIPPED. 
Hurry deal ends soon - grab it here

Simply enter through the rafflecopter form for a chance to win

Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by The Freebie Junkie - good luck

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TMartin26 said:

I would keep it. I have gifted plenty of them and would actually like one for myself. Thank you.

JessGratz said:

I would keep it. I have wanted one of these.

janet said:

I'm keepin' it!!

Ali J said:

ill keep it, ive always wanted one!

janet said:

You have a button in my sidebar for this giveaway now!!

Diddlepoyner said:

i would keep it :)

Heather S. said:

I'd love the keep in in my office.
hschonrock at yahoo dot com

ericka coello said:

i will keep it!

Bianca Roman said:

I will totally keep it!

Sassy said:

I would keep it!

sassysasha817 at gmail dot com

Sassy said:


sassysasha817 at gmail dot com

Jake and Lauren said:

My husband has wanted one of these forever!

Stephanie said:

I would love to send this to my husband (he's in Afghanistan) already loaded with pictures that I've taken since he's been gone, he would LOVE it!
steph4575 at msn dot com

Bethany C. said:

I'd keep it; I take a zillion pictures of my daughter and don't have a digital frame yet.


Anonymous said:

keep it

cjabdelnour said:

I would keep this frame. Cheryl

HolliLynn said:

I would keep this.
Would be great for all those pictures I have.

HolliLynn said:

I blogged about it.

Miss Meagan Marie said:

totally keep it! :)

Unknown said:

I would keep it. I'm obsessed with pictures and wish I had one of these!

JMedina said:

Definitely gift it to my father, who we've been told won't last until Christmas, so he's getting it right away.

sassygal1202 said:

Of course im gonna keep it,put it right on my desk so i can see happy faces while im digging fer freebies online,lol

Unknown said:

I posted on my blog :)

JMedina said:


Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said:

Would gift it :-) Our family is spread all over the world and it would be great to send this to the grandparents with photos of our little boy!

Tabathia B said:

I would probably keep it

Gina said:

I would give this to my sister in law to put picks of my baby nephew in!!!!

Patricia's Particularity said:

I would gift this to my in-laws. They have been amazing parents!

Anonymous said:

I would keep the frame - maybe gift my sister in law
tjandbcd at

Rachelle J said:

Gift it to my grandmother, she doesn't get to see me or her great granddaugter much and this would be perfect for her!

Racheldmorris at gmail dot com

Darcie K. said:

I will keep this for myself!

Pearl said:

i'll definitely keep it! :-)

~Kristen Fritsche~ said:

I would definitely gift this to my hubby. He has been wanting one of these frames for so long!

Cinderella10383 said:

I would give it to my sons grandma for a Christmas present
Jamie Brigham
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

holly_young_2225 said:

I would gift it to my mother-in-law

eclairre said:

id give it to my dad

Anonymous said:

I would give it as a gift to my father in law he would love it filled with pictures of his Grandkids.

sindy murray said:

I would keep it on a counter in my kitchen!
smlionlamb at gmail dot com

Selena West said:

i really haven't decided yet. maybe gift it.

selenajowest at live dot com

Jennifer Rote said:

I will most likely gift it to my son and daughter in law.

wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

Michelle Willis said:

I'll give it to my grandma
shelly_rue_16 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Allen S. said:

I would keep it for new pictures of the grand childred
ajsis at windstream dot net

Michael said:

I would keep it it looks like a great digital frame

abfantom said:

If I won, I would gift it to my dad.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said:

I'd give this as a gift. Aisling; mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net

bored2quickly said:

I follow your blog on GFC, subscribe to your email and like you on Facebook! I would love to win this I have always wanted one! Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
Renee Walters

Simone said:

I would give it as a gift.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Karli said:

I'm going off to college soon, so I'll definitely keep it with me. :)


Amber said:

I would give this to my brother as a gift!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

The Crazy Gengler Boys said:

i would give this to my mom for Christmas with all the grandkid pictures.

sohamolina said:

gift it to my mom

maria g said:

Keep it, I've been wanting a way to show off pictures of my son without the clutter. This would be amazing to have!

hookedonafeline999 at yahoo dot com

Mamushi Love said:

I'd probably keep it since the people I'd possibly give it to already have digital frames. I definitely have more than 7,000 photos to display on it.

Anonymous said:

KEEP! I always wanted one of these, but they are high price for us! Hope I WIN! :)

Anonymous said:

I will keep it.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said:

I will give it to my mom so she can keep up with the grand kids
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Sweeter the berry said:

I will give it to my dad who lives far away.

VickieB said:

I would gift it

Mysharona said:

I'll keep it.

Paol Trenny said:

I am gifting it to my little sister - (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)

Kim said:

Hard decision. I have always wanted a digital frame to always be able to see my 10+ grandchildren daily but with Christmas around the corner it would be such a nice gift. Do not know yet.

McKim said:

I would give the frame to my daughter for Christmas.

SHAYNA said:


Unknown said:

I am torn. It would make an great gift, but I gave my parents one a few years ago. My sister would love it, but I could use it too! Hmmmm... what to do. I would keep it!

Jessica said:

I would keep it:)

meggiedarlin said:

I would gift it to my stepson.

ighmeg at yahoo dot com

Kia89 said:

I would keep it for myself.

Unknown said:

Keep it

kport207 at gmail dot com

Diana R. said:

I would definitely keep it! :)

e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said:

I would give this to my parents with pictures of their grandkids.

Gladys M said:

I would keep the frame i always wanted one of these :)
thanks for the opportunity!

Mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com

mauisage said:

I have always wanted one of these! I'm terrible at print photographs haha.


The McKennas said:

Gift it!!!!

Christyn mckenna

Unknown said:

I would gift this to my mom! Thanks for the giveaway :)

dan healey said:

I would keep it.

Anonymous said:

I would love to give this as a gift to my mother!

KowgirlsRule said:

I would keep it. I have been wanting one of these.
kowgirlsrule at gmail dot com

Brittney said:

I will more than likely keep it
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

Unknown said:

Gift it to gramma.
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said:

I would give it to my inlaws for Christmas, loaded up with grandkid pics!


Unknown said:

i will keep it and display it in my house!


astroqueen67 said:

I would gift it to my Mom for Christmas. Holly Hennessy Swint

mogrill said:

I will keep this!!
Thanks for the chance.

csue said:

I'd keep it.

Matt Ferrell said:

Being a photographer, I may keep it to load my work onto. But Christmas is coming up also, so who knows. May gift it if I think of someone who can use it! :)

animasou @ comcast . net

shana said:

I have been wanting one, so I'd keep it.

Anonymous said:

It would be a great Christmas gift.


wendy said:

i'd keep it, but only because i'm the only one i know that doesn't have one yet!

Michelle Hagewood said:

I would keep this for myself. I got one for my stepdad last year and wanted to keep it for myself so I would definitely keep this one.

boylaneely at hotmail dot com

Min K said:

I'd keep this for myself, thank you!

Erica C. said:

I would keep this. i don't have one and would love it!

Pat said:

I would give this to my niece who has a new baby


Angie said:

I would keep this frame for our family, we've given one to both sets of grandparents in the past couple of years.

Unknown said:

I would give it to my mom. It would make her day!
Happysoul12 at att dot net

Katie White said:

I would give it to my grandma so she will have pictures of her first great-grandchild

bbrittbrat1398 said:

I would give it to my husband for his bday.

frugalmommieof2 said:

My kids would gift this to grandpa for the holidays.

frugalmommieof2 at

frugalmommieof2 said:

blogged about the giveaway

frugalmommieof2 at

Karen said:

I would gift it. To my mom or my grandpa. Thanks for the giveaway.


Anonymous said:

Would love to keep it but would give it as a gift. Upload pictures of the kids and give it to grandma and grandpa

taylorbagels said:

Keep it

DLSLoveBlogs said:

I would keep it.


Nicole C. said:

I would keep the frame.


Kathy P said:

i would keep it myself :)

Jenn S. said:

I will probably keep it.

Ellie Wright said:

I would gift it to my son and his family. It would be perfect for photos of my grandsons.

Nancy M. said:

I would keep it for my family!

Anonymous said:

I think it would make an awesome Christmas gift!

Ryan said:

if i were lucky enough to win, i would most likely keep it!:)

tyedie said:

I really want to win this and give it to a dear friend of mine who always needs frames and I think she would consider this kind of cool!

Jay said:

I think this would be for brother in law.

Anonymous said:

I'd like to keep it
merrytoes79 at hotmail dot com

Tonya Dean said:

I would keep it! They are really cool.


Anonymous said:

This would be for the family room!

Erin Slattery said:

I would keep the frame as I have been wanting one for many years now :)

Night Owls Perch said:

I would keep the frame

Anonymous said:

I would definitely keep the frame

Mary Gardner said:

i would keep it for the pictures of my grandbabies!

marygardner49 at aol dot com

Laurie Pearson Photography said:

I would give this as a gift to my mom.

Julieh said:

I'd give it as a gift to grandma!honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

Hotsnotty2 said:

Id kept it, thanks

mail4rosey said:

I would gift it to my sister for her birthday.

Anonymous said:

i would gift it

Chip said:

This would be a gift for my husband's new office. Jill L

Unknown said:

I would give to my husband with our sons pictures in it. I guess that means in a way I'm keeping it.
kershuk at comcast dot net

imaclutz89 said:

I would keep this because I have always wanted a digital frame, but haven't had the money to buy a nice one.


Anonymous said:

I would probably gift it

Steve O said:

I would probably gift it

Unknown said:

I would gift it to my sister. sweepmorey at gmail dot

HSingMama said:

This one is a keeper. :)

Jennifer Paige said:

I would put my pictures on this and gift it to my parents for Christmas this year!

paige1sme at aol dot com

Anonymous said:

I'd give it as a gift :-)

rachel harper said:

id probly keep it so i can see all my kids pics in one place insted of 30 seperate frames

mommy2one126 said:

I would for sure keep this to display pics of my daughter! :)

Notreally said:

Of course I will keep it, sit it right on top of my computer desk and put my kids pictures in it.

Notreally said:

my blogpost comment

Kate said:

I'd gift it, my gma would love it!

Crystal Mexico said:

Definitely keeping it! My husband and I lost our daughter a year ago, she was stillborn at 38 weeks. We had a wonderful organization come in (Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep) to have her photographed with us and the rest of our family. Those photos are one of only a few things we have left of her. I would use this photo frame as our "little memorial" that would sit on our entertainment center in the livingroom, next to our family photos. As a way of saying "Mckenna Marie, you are always in our heart, our thoughts and our Home." She may rest in Gods arms, but she will forever lie in our hearts. RIP Baby Girl.

Kimberley Meier said:

I would keep it!

Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said:

I would keep it if I won.

Anonymous said:

keep it!!

jdmimi at gmail dot com

Anonymous said:

I would gift the frame to my husband for his office.

Anonymous said:

i will keep the frame of course.

Katharina said:

I'd definitely keep it because I've been wanting a digital frame forever. I've hinted about it every year, but SantaHubby hasn't taken the hint. :-) Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

pauline15 said:

I would keep it for myself, it just ends up being an item that you really want but never really need and they look really cool!

Unknown said:

I would love to keep it but would probably give to Mom for Christmas with pictures of Daddy, us kids and our families on it.

rafflecopter - happi shopr

Anonymous said:

i would love to keep this

Lisa Weidknecht said:

I'll keep it in the daycare room so I can post daily pics of the kids on the cubbytop.

tiffany.hoyt said:

I would keep it, we have never had a digital picture frame before.

kat said:

I have always wanted one of these to put my grandkids pictures in.

Diane W said:

I would fill it with photos and sent to my mother.

susansmoaks said:

i would keep it, i would use it at work
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Amy delong said:

would have to keep it

Ericka said:

I would gift this to my daughter for a Christmas present, she
would LOVE this!
ericka082 at gmail dot com

Stacey said:

I would give this to my mom for her birthday!

brich2222 said:

I would keep the frame as we do not have one!

brich22 at earthlink dot net

brich2222 said:

I blogged
brich22 at earthlink dot net

Terra said:

I would keep the frame because all of my pictures are digital and I currently have no way to display them.

Anonymous said:

I would keep it.

Jeanette Huston

Michigan_Mom said:

I would give it to my parents because they'd really love something like this for Christmas :)

Kelly Burroughs Crowell

Anonymous said:

I probably will keep it.

City Life to Ranching Wife said:


One nutty wife said:

I will keep the frame, don't have one

Justin said:

I will load the frame with family pictures and give to my parents-in-law in Japan.


Anonymous said:

i'll keep the frame

Anonymous said:

I would keep it.

Tes283 said:

I will keep it. I will load my best /my hubby's best/ and my son's to display.

tes 1283 yahoo

Rob Nash said:

I would totally keep it. And use it at work.

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