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Mom's Back to School relaxation with Eden Fantasy $25 Giveaway

 The Freebie Junkie is a family orientated site, the following review and giveaway is written to add some fun to you and yours as school begins.

Please note the EdenFantasys link is not suitable to be viewed at work or if your children are close by.  Please do not open the link if you are not 18 or older or are sensitive to not so family orientated products.

We had a wonderful summer, the kids saw a lot of the beach and water parks and we spent a lot of time with family and friends.  I know for many Mom's who work at home and outside of the home "back to school" is a time for routine for the little ones who often crave structure and peace and quite for the Mom's who need to get their home in order.   For the frazzled Mom's EdenFantasys offers a variety of products to help you relax, have fun and bring the "us' back in your family life.
Create ambience in the bedroom with candles

Have some good clean fun with Bath & Body Gift Sets

or indulge yourself with some lingerie

Purchase online at EdenFantasys and you can find a free gift here with every order + free standard shipping on orers over $59.  I like the feature where you can choose certain price ranges to fit your budget. 

One Lucky Freebie Junkie winner will win a $25 GC to EdenFantasys
Through the rafflecopter form below:  Good Luck


Diddlepoyner said:

thumbs up.... means that the weather will get cooler

Emillie Rose said:

thumbs up!
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com

Cass said:

I think it's a little of both. I LOVE having my kids at home. But there is an excitement that comes from a new school year: New school supplies, new teachers, seeing the kids get to be with their friends again.

Cortney said:

Thumbs up, love fall!

eclairre said:

thumbs down. it gets SOO hectic trying to get them ready for school in the morning & do hw after school!!

Kerri said:

Thumbs up! Fall is my favorite season.

Anonymous said:

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said:

Oh and Thumbs Up! I don't have kids but I love when the stores / malls are scarse of them in the afternoon! (yeah yeah bah humbgug, LOL.)

cjabdelnour said:

Thumbs down! I loved having my kids home!!! Cheryl

Gina said:

Thumbs up! We homeschool so it doesn't affect us with school, but it sure is nice to take the kids to the park or museum during the day when all the other kids are in school!

Erin said:

I don't have kids, but I go to school myself, so it's a thumbs down for me!

Jessica said:

Definitely Thumbs Up!!!

jek9880 at gmail dot com

Lindsay said:

As I'm finishing my master's degree...thumbs down for me.

Anonymous said:

Thumbs up!

Jen said:

Thumbs up because neither me or my hubby are in college this year!

jenniekcoupons at gmail dot com

TicklingPink said:

Big thumbs up! My mornings are free again and football is starting, what could be better?


TicklingPink said:

I blogged your giveaway!

Anonymous said:

Thumbs up!

Meandering Matt said:

Thumbs Up! My son has had two days of kindergarten and he's done really well so far!

Carrie Phelps said:

Thumbs up!

Happy Buzz Reviews said:

Thumbs up!

Happy Buzz Reviews said:

Blogged about the giveaway!

Crystal said:

Given that I work for Disney, back to school is a big thumbs-up! Fewer crowds!

Anonymous said:

thumbs up!
even though I don't have any kids. :)

Jennifer Anderson said:

Back to school is a thumbs up! This way I know they are staying out of trouble instead of staying home alone while we are at work!

Kristie Betts said:

Kinda both... This year I'm home schooling our kids

Jessica ( frellathon ) said:

Wonderful giveaway thanks. Eden is a great company.

haydensmommy05 said:

Back to school is a thumbs up!!

Emillie Rose said:
hisprinces886 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said:

Thumbs up! I love all the excitement of fall!
Happysoul12 at att dot net

stOOpidgErL said:

Back-to-school gets a thumbs-up from me... I love school.

sparkedcat said:

Thumbs up!

Kia89 said:

Thumbs up.

bored2quickly said:

I follow your blog on GFC and like you on Facebook! I would love to win this! I say thumbs down because I miss my kids while they are at school. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters

Sweeter the berry said:

thumbs down-bussing issues caused them to miss first few days

Brittney said:

thumbs up
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

Anonymous said:

thumbs up

supremevision said:

Back to school is most definitely a thumbs up in my house...2 teenagers+1 preteen...whew!! Mom's alone time has returned...Yayy!!

Gary E said:

Back to school is a BIG thumbs up!!

lkirkla9 said:

Thumbs up!! I love going to school and I always look forward to the new semester!

Meaghan F. said:

As a college student, it's a bit of both. Since this is my last semester, it's a thumbs down because I'm going to miss it and also, it's hard to find a job right now.

KowgirlsRule said:

Back to school for me is a thumbs up. Ready for a new year.

Tabathia B said:

both because I get "me" time but my oldest two are seniors :)

Pamcakes said:

Thumbs up!
b dot ringer at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said:

Thumbs UP!

Colleen Boudreau said:

Back to school is a thumbs down! i get stressed out easily lol.
holliister at gmail dot com

Carly said:

Back-to-school was always a "thumbs downs" when I was forced to go.

dan healey said:

It's a thumbs up this year

Anonymous said:

Thumbs Up for school starting.

Donald said:

Deff a thumbs down! :/

Patricia's Particularity said:

Definitely a Thumbs Up!

Karen said:

I love this store. Thanks for the giveaway.


AJ said:

Both! I miss my son but glad to have some free time!
shmilgah at

Mare/TommyGirl said:

Thumbs Up. Life is just in more of a routine during school year!

Hotsnotty2 said:

Thumbs up, thanks

Jen H said:

As a mother of 4 I love back to school :)

Laurie Pearson Photography said:

Back to school is a thumbs up

Anonymous said:

thumbs up

Allen S. said:

Back to school is always a Thumbs UP!
ajsis at windstream dot net

couponmama34 said:

Thumbs up...mama can actually get stuff done:)

couponmama34 said:

this would be great to take advantage of school being back in!..mama can take a bath in peace:)

bbrittbrat1398 said:

Back to school is a thumbs down because i'm going to miss my kids like crazy.

Katie said:

Back to school is a thumbs up

Hajar Collica said:

Back to school is a thumbs up ! coz im back to college with my hubby ! we re being the kids this time , a lots of expenses but still trying to save !

Rachelle J said:

Thumbs up!! We love school lol

Racheldmorris at gmail dot com

Jessica said:

Thumbs up for sure!! =]

imaclutz89 said:

thumbs down. Having to get everyone ready so early is a pain!


Unknown said:

I give back to school two thumbs up, way up! trinitygsd at yahoo dto omc

c allen said:

back to school is thumbs up in our home, clallen at ntin dot net

kygirl said:

Thats easy thumbs up!

Tracy R said:

Thumbs down because it means no more nice weather and swimming, and no more fresh strawberries in season and reasonably priced at the supermarket.

Breanne said:

Thumbs up

Nicole Larsen said:

Thumbs up!

brandysmith280 said:

Thumbs up cause I enjoy the breather! Thumbs down cause I'm always rushed and have to get up earlier! lol

brandysmith280 said: Mentioned your giveaway on my Blog!

Nofearpapertiger said:

Thumbs up - it means I get paid again! :)

Angela Rhodes Krause

Clair Shumack said:

Thumbs Up because I get more time to do things around the house...Thumbs Down because we get busy and there isn't as much family time!

missknits said:

thumbs up for sure

Gennelle T said:

Considering this is my first back to school time with my son it is a thumbs up..i just loved all the prepping for it and the excitement

lovesshift4 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said:

I love my kids, but school is definitely a thumbs up. It is nice to have the house to myself and I get so much done during school year.
cheap4kids at yahoo dot com

barb hunt said:

Thanks for the great contest!

Anonymous said:

Thumbs up!
magic5905 at emarqmail dot com

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