Inbox Dollars

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Get your Fit On: S2HStep Pedometer Giveaway

I have a high end pedometer courtesy of my work to promote healthy activity.  I love knowing how many steps (or lack of) I've made and I can track my progress daily.

But what about earning gift cards through activity!  This is where Switch2Health comes into play

Featured on the Today Show, Fox News, QVC, and more, the S2H REPLAY Activity Tracker can be strapped onto your wrist. Then all you have to do is get moving…you’ll earn a Reward Code for every 60 minutes of running, walking, aerobics, or any physical activity. The codes translate into points that can be redeemed for gift cards from Target, Toys R Us, Borders, Best Buy, Game Stop, and dozens of other popular stores and vendors.

Low down:
Can only enter one 60 point reward code per day
About 1900 points equals a $10 gift card. 12500 points equals a Wii or Xbox 360
So will take you 1 month of 60 minute of daily excercise to get $10
So will take you 209 days to get a wii or Xbox 360
Net net - workout = Freebies

One Lucky Freebie Junkie Reader will win a PINK S2H Step Pedometer (retail $24.95) and be on their way to be active and get rewards
Simply enter through the Rafflecopter form below

Disclosure: The S2HStep Pedometer is being offered solely by The Freebie Junkie for my readers. A ll opinions are of my own, others may vary.


jbmthill said:

My workout (or lack of) is taking a half mile walk at lunch time at work and chasing kids at home at night.

Kim said:

I don't like to workout but I walk to loss weight. I will jump and dance with the grandchildren while we watch one of their kids shows with music. That is more fun.

Cathy W said:

I take long walks

jessica said:

I'd like to work out by running/training for 5-10ks but currently i usually just do a little running and more elliptical.

jek9880 at gmail dot com

Karli said:

I love to dance, walk my dog, and hike in the woods surrounding our house. :)

Anonymous said:

There's no way I like to workout..I hate it! lol But I go walking with my dogs a lot.

eclairre said:


Anonymous said:

I like to work out to music, in my home.

Wild N Mild $$$ said:

We go from being couch potatoes to doing P90X and back again lol

Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com

Stephanie said:

I love to walk, and swim!
steph4575 at msn dot com

Marcella said:

Wow what a fun way to get moving and motivated free stuff and working out at the same time I love it

Anonymous said:

I love my Zumba!!

Bungoma20 at aol dot com

Katie said:

I like to walk or hike


Anonymous said:

I wish I had more time to work out, but I get my exercise from chasing a rambunctious 2-year-old boy all day!

Amanda said:

I love working out on the elliptical or bike listening to music. it really pumps me up and makes me workout harder :)

~Terry said:

I walk and garden. I'm doing a 5K walk for charity on Sat.


Anonymous said:

Love to walk and am starting the couch to 5K running program this week!
sistermomy at hotmail dot com

Fanny said:

I enjoy walking my dogs and going on the treadmill :)

Katie said:

I'd love to know how much movin' I do chasing after my 3 kids!

Mimi Hayden said:

I walk at least twice a day but I like to get three walks in if I can. I'm in the middle of a weight loss, so I like to keep moving. Thanks for the giveaway!

Theresa said:

P90X or running are my workouts :)

Anonymous said:


Bianca Roman said:

The elliptical and pumped up music!

Scarborough Lane said:

30 mins of running and the Total Gym :)

Unknown said:

What a great way to get a person motivated!!

jen yowell said:

I would love to do this I am a busy mom of 4 ! I am always moving!
Jennifer_yowell@yahoo dot com

Angela W said:

I run and do P90X. Now I just recieved insanity so I will be trying that!

Anonymous said:

I was walking, running & variety of exercise dvds.. needing to get back into it again.

PrincessJen11400 said:

I walk alot or try to =( were can i buy one of these if i dont win?

Patricia's Particularity said:

I love to work out by playing with kids :)

Julie Lynn Bickham said:

I like going to the gym when the kids are at school, it's my mommy time!

supremevision said:

I love working out from the comfort of my home. I am just getting back into it by walking with my Leslie Sansone DVD's. :)


supremevision said:

I just blogged about this awesome giveaway :)

Anonymous said:

I walk, walk, walk. It's the only way I can exercise without causing more injury to an already disabled back.

mary fallon said:

i work out in front of the t.v. using the wii sometimes

Mary C said:

OK. I don't LIKE to work out. In fact, I hate it, but I would totally get into it if I could be earning actual rewards as a result! Wonderful idea!!!

ighmeg at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said:

I like to workout either taking long walks in the woods, walking on the treadmill, or doing programs on demand.
blue65829 at aol dot com

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said:

I like walking out in the park or on trails
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Anonymous said:

I love to go running around the lake

debrastein10 said:

OMG! This is the best invention since the wheel. i always need motivation to keep my exercise routing going, this would be PERFECT. Please pick me! Oh the answer to the question is I like to hike and walk/run every morning on the treadmill.

Becca Ann said:

I love zumba.. and going for walks

Anonymous said:

I like walking or doing the eliptical while watching a good show onTV

Shilo Beedy said:

I try and go on my exercise bike

thatlittlehouse said:

I like to walk

nblexp ( at ) gmail (dot) com

kdkdkd said:

I like to walk each night after dinner

Anonymous said:

My workout is do weights or mountain biking (:

Moniquebbon at yahoo dot com

Kaelyn L. said:

I can't go to the gym so I have learned to love working out at home! It's my "Happy pill" :)

Erica C. said:

I like to go bike riding and running.

Anonymous said:

I do Zumba

Desiree Dunbar

Anonymous said:

I like to grab a book or my MP3 Player, a bottle of water and get on my Treadmill. I alternate between an ab sculpt routine and a cardio routine, both about 45 minutes long each, everyday

Lisa Weidknecht said:

Indoor cycling. Walking the dog.

Unknown said:

I enjoy taking walks and playing my Wii fit

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said:

hiking, always with mp3 player

Thank you for hosting this giveaway

pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

The Recipe Collector said:


crystletellerday said:

i like hiking

Anita said:

Walking, then some weights, then stretching

Anonymous said:

I like to do Zumba.
jenswps at yahoo . com

Anonymous said:

I like doing yoga or running
mistylimepink at gmail dot com

Charleen said:


Mona Greer said:

I would love to win this.....I sure could use it....

Mona Greer said:

Sorry,but I forgot to leave my email address

daveshir2005 said:

I like to take my dogs for walks.

Lisa M said:

I like to walk

thekingskourt said:

My mom and I talk walks together, I also hula hoop, and do Wii Active.

bbrittbrat1398 said:

I like to workout at the gym on the elliptical or treadmill for about 45mins-hour.

Wendy said:

my go-to workout is always a run!

Hotsnotty2 said:

I love kickboxing

Penny Kathleen said:

I like to work out on my treadmill and taking long walks on the hiking trail.


Anonymous said:

My favorite way to work out is to play Just Dance with my girls

Anonymous said:

My favorite way to work out is to play Just Dance with my girls


The Minister's Wife said:

Walking and a few short exercise videos is how I work out.

Annika said:

I love to go for long walks with my little girl in her stroller =)

Rebecca Fowler said:

I walk or ride my bike to college everyday! This would be awesome just to see my physical activity add up over the course of a day!

Anonymous said:

awesome! i don't like to workout, but with this i would!

A.May said:

what a great idea to get people active!

Stephanie said:

I like to work out on my elliptical.

stacey christine said:

walking mostly

beth said:

an elliptical

Packrat Nomad said:

Well 'like' is a strong but I do Love to run around and take nature hikes with my kids :)

Anonymous said:

I like to workout by going for walks, runs, and bicycling with my hubby. The last time we went on a bike ride we went 18 miles!! I couldn't believe it. Thanks for the great giveaway

Shannon_Herrington at frugalslhf@hotmail dot com

Sarah said:

I like to work out by swimming and walking.

degood said:

I play dance central with my kids.

Mippy said:

I enjoy walking outside to get exercise. I love the fresh mountain air and the quiet, peaceful time alone or with a friend. :)

Mare/TommyGirl said:

I love swimming laps. I get a good workout and it's not too hard on my joints. Alas, I still do treadmill sometimes.

rdazer said:

i like to workout by running...just completed my first marathon

Megan said:
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