“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is like wrapping a gift and never giving it”
William Arthur Ward
We are Thankful for our Readers
and we would love for you to win some holiday cash
The Freebie Junkie and Children Teaching Mama PLUS 38 other fabulous bloggers are offering 2 readers the chance to win $200 EACH in our Santa Sack Cash Giveaway
The cash giveaway is open to all worldwide and will be paid directly into your paypal account
What would you do with $200?
Check out the generous bloggers involved in this event
What would you do with $200?
Put it towards your holiday get together?
Donate it to your favorite charity?
Put it towards your holiday gifts?
Splurge on yourself? Donate it to your favorite charity?
Put it towards your holiday gifts?
Check out the generous bloggers involved in this event
I Heart Giveaway
To Sew With Love
Lee-Ann's Crazy Life
Save & Share with Coupons
Dealirious Diva
Domestic Executive Online
7 On a Shoe String
This Lil Piglet
To Sew With Love
Lee-Ann's Crazy Life
Save & Share with Coupons
Dealirious Diva
Domestic Executive Online
7 On a Shoe String
This Lil Piglet

To win the $200 Santa Cash Giveaway simply enter as many entries as you like in the rafflecopter form below
Take your time and good luck
Take your time and good luck
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 300 Newer› Newest»I would cry. I've been entering contests as fast as I can HOPING to win something that will magically allow me to have a nice Christmas for my kids!!
I would use it to buy a dollhouse for my ddaughter and a train set for my son.
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com
I would buy my husband a new TV for his birthday (today!). Ours is so old and outdated. =(
I would use the money for Christmas presents!
I would buy boys some Christmas toys and clothes! :)
(Stephanie Phelps)
I would Buy Everyone the presents they want for christmas!! Tight Budget this year so it would be amazing to give everyone exactly what they want for christmas! Especially my son! <3 He deserves a Great Christmas! <3 <3 <3
I would treat my children and myself to a shopping trip where I can say yes instead of the no, we don't have money... Thanks for the giveaway opportunity
I would like to buy Christmas presents for my husband and children.
I would use the money to buy my boys nice Christmas gifts.
I would use the money to buy an air mattress for family to sleep on during the holidays.
amybrown16 (at) insightbb (dot) com
i'd buy xmas presents.
i would spend it all on my grandchildren for xmas
I would buy for my daughter!
Oops, I didn't realize we were supposed to say what we would use the money for! I am done shopping for my kids for Christmas, but have not bought anything for my husband and would LOVE to be able to buy him a nice gift!
I would buy Christmas gifts for my children!
Put it towards Christmas presents, definitely!
I would use it to finish up my holiday shopping.
what you would buy if you win the prize money. we will be traveling to see family so the money will be used for travel expenses like food and gas!FAMILY IS THE BEST GIFT :)
I would buy my husband something special to thank him for working so hard this past year.
I would buy food or medications.
I would buy my husband an awesome present
Sylvia White
Thanks for the contest!
I would use it to finish buying some gifts and use it to buy gifts for someone who would not receive any!
i would finally get my eyes examined and get a new pair of glasses once
amhengst at verizon dot net
I would use it to pay down my credit card from the birthday and xmas shopping. My husband and both kids also have birthdays in November and December so it's a financially stressful time of year
I would use it for Christmas gifts for the family
I'd spend some of the money on beads for jewelry-making. The rest I'd save to pay bills with.
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
i'd save it!
jek9880 at gmail dot com
i would get some much needed things for my kitchen. army doesn't pay well at all, and a lot of the cheap stuff we bought years ago needs replacing lol. armywifeda7x at yahoo dot com
I would pay off my bills & debt
I'd get an ipod touch for my wife - she wants one
I am gonna spend it on me! I really want a Kindle Fire and if I win, I am gonna get it!
I would buy Christmas presents.
Probably a Kindle Fire
kport207 at gmail dot com
I would go shopping for me bah haha
Probably get a new tv.
MCantu1019@ aol.com
Shopping for my kids :)
I'd probably buy something for my boys :)
I would buy gifts for my baby's first Christmas (and for her daddy too of course!) :)
I'd spend it on holiday gifts
I would buy my mother a extra xmas presents and take her out to dinner since she is battling cancer right now
awesome giveaway!
would get some gifts for the hubby
I would use the money to help pay for a washer/dryer, ours is so old!
anastasia at eco-babyz dot com
Id buy fencing supplies for our fence we are building
Thanks for the chance.
an xbox for my daughter and a new tv!
I would love to use this for Christmas gifts :)
I would use some towards Christmas gifts for the family. I would be able to put more Christmas Care Packages I'm making for the troops. I also would be able to add some more Salvation Army Angels!! =)
It would go for more Christmas Presents for my Grand Kids.
jodysis at windstream dot net
i would use it either for christmas gifts, or to pay off christmas debt after xmas lol either was would be great
staceyx at telus dot net
I'd buy food for our holiday party.
Hmm not sure, so much I want to do! More Gifts, or blogging things.
Will get new clothes for my son (he grows really fast) and will probably buy a new laptop with bigger memory! Thanks!
I'd use this to reduce the cost of the crown on my tooth that I just found out I need
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
I am getting married in Feb so I would put the money towards the wedding.
kowgirlsrule at gmail dot com
I would buy new towels and sheets since ours are getting quite worn out. thanks!
Our second daughter was due Dec. 20th but surprised us on Thanksgiving day instead, meaning we needed to get some basics we still didn't have ASAP, a month earlier than expected. On top of that, we ended up with both cars in need of repairs and are driving a loaner from my mother in law. I'd use the cash to help get caught up after all our "I can't believe this is happening now" moments!
I would put it towards rent
I would buy our family a better camera so we can capture more of the great memories we are making this holiday season...and years to come.
sjam916 at gmail dot com
I'd love to win this so I can stock my pantry and make great homemade gifts for everyone! lmvancoi@yahoo.com
Would love to win this so I can give my girls an awesome Christmas! :)
Pay bills and buy clothes
nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com
new dishwasher!
heyfrugalmommy at hotmail dot com
If I won, I'd put the money toward Christmas presents for all of my grandkids :)
If i win ill be buying some clothes for my daughter, boyfriend and I!!!
I would pay off debt :( Boring I know but it's true!
I would buy items for our honeymoon!
I would use the money to buy Christmas for my Grandkids.
I would buy gifts for my family.
Christmas gifts for my family!
I would give some to my foster agency for extra gifts for the foster children, I would give some to Salvation Army so they could feed more Hungary on Christmas and I would buy my 3 and my 2 foster kids a few nice things.
Pay off some of this Christmas debt. LOL.
since I was laid off several months there is no budget for presents, this would come in soooo handy
I would pay bills with it.
I would buy Christmas presents.
a new sink mverno@roadrunner.com
I would be able to buy the gift that my kid really wants
I would put it towards a bicycle for my son for Christmas
Email address is in blogger profile
Christmas presents for my kids and husband!
i would buy some new clothes i really need.
Some of it would go toward Christmas presents for sure, the rest I'd put toward a weekend getaway I am planning the first of the year.
I would put the money toward an ipad
I would use it to buy Christmas dinner for my children and grandchildren.
I would buy more clothes for my kids and a couple toys vbarton24 at gmail dot com
I'd buy a wireless router and finish my Xmas shopping!
This would go towards a trip back home to Texas! Yeehaw! :)
I would use the money to buy Christmas gifts for family and friends!
I'd put it towards baking ingredients, as I'd love to send cookie-filled care packages out this year.
hmmm I would buy something special for hubby and I when the holiday's were over.
i would buy my fiance a wonderful christmas gift bc Im unemployed I dont have any money to buy him something.
new clothes and household items crystletellerday@yahoo.com
stuff for xmas for the family!.. this would be a blessing right now, and actually be our christams!!!.. gl everyone!.. God bless
I would use it to pay off some debt.
I would use this money to go to New York for the day to see all of the great holiday displays.
tracie duffield
would spend it on the kids
I'd buy Christmas gifts for my family of 6
jeanlynd at att dot net
Christmas presents!
My sons birthdays are both in Jan! I'd probably pay for parties and presents!
I would buy an oven. I am in desperate need of a reliable one.
I would put this towards New Year's Eve dinner and something nice for my fiance'. :)
I'd buy my teenage daughter some new clothes. dmatthews83751@yahoo.com
If I won I would buy my mom a Roku2 box and my wife a new Kindle Fire and a generous Amazon gift card to put content on it.
I would use it for my tuition fees. :)
It would go towards our family's Spring vacation/ATV ride
mtdoonmeister at gmail dot com
I'm getting my hair cut & colored.
Christmas gifts!
Last minute Christmas gifts.
I would use it to pay fro my tuition next semester.
I would use it to buy food for the house..and buy baking supplies so i could bake cookies for friends and neighbors..
I would use it to pay off Christmas and probably put anything left over toward textbooks for Spring. :)
Books for my husband
I would pay off a bit of my credit card debt with this :(
I desperately need new shoes as I wear mine until they break, and they all are breaking now!
I would pay some bills with this money :)
pay bills!
A little towards bills and hopefully a fun night out with the family, dinner and a movie.
I would send it all to my daughter/mom food right away :)
I would pay bills and get a new pair of shoes and a winter coat.
I would put this on my charge card.
dolniaks at consolidated dot net
I would buy some Christmas gifts for my daughter :)
Shannon Gallagher
lovescrissangel at hotmail dot com
I would buy a nice espresso machine!
I would buy a nice high school style locker for my oldest daughter who is 10 yrs old so her younger sisters 4 yrs and 2 yrs stop getting into her school bag and books. And I would buy my 4 year old a locker too just so she feels like a big girl. And a little cubby for my 2 year old.
We desperately need a new desktop PC, so I would most likely use the money toward investing in a new HP Touchsmart to surprise the family with, which would be awesome!
Geoff K
Couldn't post on Sonya's Happenings, posting my comment here
Buy amazing Christmas gifts and toys for my kids!!!!!
Alena Bejenarou
I use it to buy a new television
I would buy my hubby some christmas gifts. Tools and Clothes :)
Oh, no I think I already entered on one of the partner web pages. I hope it doesn't double count my entries or kick me out!
I would use half for Christmas, and the other half toward Logan's ongoing medical bills. I know I know. I'm all kinds of spontaneous. LOL
frazzledmomma at livingwithlogan dot com
Buy a new blackberry as my phone is acting up
I would buy my Mother something very nice for Christmas. She deserves it!
I would get my son a new coat, a new pair of tennis shoes and my daughters snow boots. jennifer_yowell@yahoo dot com
I'd use it towards the purchase of an ipad for my husband.
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
I would buy Christmas presents for my friends with it.
It would be great christmas ever.
I would buy my family Christmas presents.
I would use it on myself to buy new clothes. I haven't bought new clothes for myself in 3 years, and all my clothes are too baggy.
Lots of presents.
Thanks for the contest.
I'd buy an ITouch or maybe give it to charity :)
I would buy Xmas gifts
I'd get my kids a swingset for Christmas!
becca9916 at gmail dot com
I think I might cry if I won $200. I've entered every contest I can find. Got laid off months ago and have to finish paying for my last semester of college! I would be so grateful if by some miracle I did win.
Jerrica17 at aol dot com
omgosh!! thank you for this chance to win.this would help out with christmas for my 3 kiddos so much..thank you bloggers for all you do!!
If I will I will use the money towards the new house we are hoping to buy so we have room for another baby! Thank you!
I would by a few christmas gifts, but also the things I need for my baby that will be born soon. We still need so much and this would be a HUGE BLESSING to win!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Syndel Valle
I would use the money to buy myself some MCAT books to get into medical school :D
I would use it for a car repair. Thanks!
I would use the money to pay my car payment no money no car
trustjesus7771 at yahoo dot com
I would use it to help pay for my daughter's textbooks for next semester.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
Groceries and gas
I would spend it toward a weekend getaway for my wife and me in Feb.
I think I'd have to take my husband on a FANTASTIC date to this restaurant about 45 miles from us that he LOVES - then the rest would either go on bills, or paying off credit cards!
If i won the price i would buy my mom, brother, sister and father a really nice christmas gift and some makeup for myself.
I would buy a fancy new drill for my boyfriend.
it would probably help towards biils or groceries
Spend it this Season .Enjoy your Festive HolidaY!
shopping therapy for me, been sick, need a lift
I would use it to buy something for my son on his first christmas since we don't have the money to do it because my husband had to miss work while my son was hospitalized just recently.
I would use it to do a little extra shopping this year.
I would take my wife on a romantic overnight trip.
Would love to spoil my fiancee!
I would probably buy some rare books or jewellery for xmas pressies thankyou
I would make an "Extra Christmas Payment" on my student loans!
I'd buy some awesome cowboy boots and something nice for my mom.
I would love to win this so I could buy some nice gifts for my family!
I would spoil everyone I love and my pets!! They all deserve it!
i would go visit my fellow in california for new year's:)
I would help my friend live out her drems of being independent.
I'd use the money for Christmas presents for my 10 year old and give some cash to my bf's daughter, who is in her freshman year in college. Both of our children are amazing and deserve more than we can give them, we would love to give them the world, but would be greatful to be able to give them peices of it instead.
i would buy my friend a pair of boots
I would buy some Christmas presents. I just quit me job to go back to school... everyone on my list is going to get hugs at this point.
It would go to the local food bank and the toys for tots this year all donations have been really low this year
I would pay bills.
I would buy christmas gifts for my grandkids
amasfuntime at yahoo.com
I would buy Christmas presents!
Nicole Carter
I would save it for vacation!
I would help my kids give their kids a better Christmas
i recently found out that my husband and I are going to be first time parents and are expecting a baby I would put the money towards my baby.
I would buy Christmas presents for my grandchildren
I'd pay a few of my mom's bills.
I would use this to pay a car payment probably :)
I would put the money towards a down payment on a house.
It would cover much needed dental care!!
I would use it toward getting my car fixed!! Thank you so much for a chance to win
I would use the money to help pay the bills.
I would put the money toward a new dining room table
Our family would use it for gas to see family in VA and NY
I could get groceries
I'd use the money to catch up on living expenses. What a great giveaway! Thx for the opp!! :)
welindsey at gmail dot com
I would love to buy some new clothes for my daughter and I!
new clothes and zumba fitness
I would give it to my mom. She can sure use it, it would help her alot.
i would put it towards christmas presents
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
I would put it towards paying my grandmother back for college bills.
I would put it toward an elliptical exercise machine.
I would buy some warm sweatshirts and sweatpants. I live in the PNW and it's cold here this year. I've been living here since May 2010 and all my stuff has worn out. Would really love to buy some warm things!
I would put the money toward a new car.
finish my xmas shopping1/2 done and out of moneydue to layoffs
I would buy champagne for New Years Eve.
i would save it and use it to buy gifts for my daughter on her birthday
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
i would buy clothes
lrcfr27 at yahoo dot com
I would buy some winter clothes and maybe a dog bed for Bo.
gabe411 at hotmail dot com
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