Inbox Dollars

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Last day of the year, print your coupons now!

Its the last day of the month & YEAR
Time to check all the printable coupon sites as new coupons will be upon us in January, so print them now before they disappear.  I still purchase the newspaper at the weekend for the inserts and add the printables and you should never have to shop without coupons free money.
Coupons = Free money!
    Print the coupons you want from coupon sites such as these listed below. 

    You just need ink and paper and a pair of scissors : )

      Enter your email address for access to fun freebies, steals and deals
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      If you would like grocery matchups head to


      Mohamed Abdellatif said:

      بخّ الصرصور على نحوٍ مُباشرٍ بالماء والصابون؛ وعند التركيز على بطنه ورأسه في الرّش سيموت مُباشرةً.
      وضع قشور الخيار في أماكن وجود الصراصير؛ نتيجة لـ مقدرتها على التخلُّص منها، ووضع كلٍّ من الثوم، والنعناع، وزيت القرنفل، إضافة إلى ذلك الليمون.
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