If you are here reading The Freebie Junkie you know by now that I never shop without a coupon. Why pay full price when there is free money in coupons. Coupons comes in many shapes and forms. Manufacturer coupons can found in the Sunday papers or online in the form of printable coupons. I also look for coupon codes when shopping online too that I simply use at checkout for an instant discount.
Answers.com is a popular free, internet-based knowledge exchange with a mission to provide readers an avenue to collaborate and share information in order to find the best information relating to their online questions. They have now branched out to coupons (Coupons.Answers.com) where you’ll find all of the current available discounts for your favorite online stores for items such as electronics, home and gardening products, toys and more.
Since most of us are on Facebook why not grab the Coupons Facebook App so you can browse for coupons while socializing online. Installation of the app is quick and easy and once installed simply customize your deals by choosing your favorite stores and brands. Share your deals with family and friends by posting your find/deal on your wall - "sharing is caring".
You'll find the Coupons by Answers App on the left side of your Facebook page under "Apps", so you'll never miss the user verified deals. Its great to see the success rating for each coupon - it really doesn't get any easier than that.

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