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Pamper Yourself $100 Gift Card #Giveaway


We are thankful for our readers and we would love you to win a Pamper Yourself $100 Gift Card Giveaway 

We all know you Mamas work hard each and every day, so it's time you won something for yourself! Hosted by Children Teaching Mama and myself The Freebie Junkie, we've put together 25 amazing blogs for the event.

One Lucky Winner Will Receive

(1) $50 Gift Code, (1) $25 Ulta Gift Card & (1) $25 Buca Di Beppo Gift Card

So buy something nice for yourself at Amazon, splurge on beauty proucts at Ulta and then dinner with the hubby or your girlfriend : )

How To Enter

Just use the Rafflecopter form below to enter! This giveaway will end Friday, March 23rd at 11:59pm so plenty of time to get your entries in. Don't forget to come back each day for an extra entry by tweeting about the giveaway event!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Enter your email address for access to fun freebies, steals and deals


Anonymous said:

I am in need of a day of pleasure and spoiling!

maryjaco1 said:

I am under a lot of stress at work.

Renfie said:

My job is so physically demanding, and a bit of pampering would be nice.


cjabdelnour said:

I need pampering, doesn't everyone! Life is so demanding!

Stephanie said:

I need some pampering because my husband has been deployed for the last 9 months, I've gotten a blood clot since then, and worked my butt off with raising my kids. I would LOVE some pampering. =)

Shannon Jaymesmom Gallagher said:

I definitely need some pampering! I work 6-7 days a week 12-14 hours a day taking care of children in my home. I love it but could use some 'me' time.

lovescrissangel at hotmail dot com

Steven Grimes said:

I could use the Amazon, id let my wife use the ULTA, and we would share the BUCA GIFTCARD

Crazylicious85 said:

I would pamper my mom, she works all the time and has been having some health problems. I think she could really use a nice relaxing day of pampering!

Thanks for the chance :)
Allison L. (Allie Lanc on rafflecopter)

Cata Gonzalez said:

Hello, I'm wondering how many entries you need to have to be eligible for thE giveaway.

sindy murray said:

I need some pampering because sometimes is nice to treat ourselves to something nice most of the times we only thing about our kids and husband and forget about us!
smlionlamb at gmail dot com

Michelle White said:

I am a better Mom and Wife when I take care of myself. I forget to do it sometimes and everyone suffers. Winning this giveaway would be good for my whole family.
Michelle W.

Chevelle said:

Oh wow... well, ever since our 2 1/2 yr old son came along (best thing EVER!) I never seem to find much time to pamper myself at all. Even when I perhaps do have the time... I feel guilty for doing things for myself. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it! It would be nice to actually force myself to get some R&R & feel a little special :) THanks so much for the chance!

Tiffany Vanick said:

I need to pamper myself because I get stressed very easily and pampering myself is a great way to destressed

Unknown said:

Because I have 6 kids :) Nuff said...

nataliaellin said:

im under a lot of stress lately at home and with my kids and all:)

Julie Bjerga said:

I have been under a lot of stress with chronic migraines and my master's program in library science lately (keeping up with that despite the migraines) and I haven't pampered myself in a long time, so that's why I need this opportunity! ;)


Julie Lynn Bickham said:

I'm a mom of 3, I have no time for myself nevermind pampering. Would love this!

Victoria R. said:

My birthday is coming up - it would be the perfect excuse! :)

Unknown said:

I need to pamper myself because I never spend money for these kind of things so winning this would help me do that. Thanks for the chance.

benz1171 said:

I need pampering to release the stress of working.

Kathleen said:

I need some pampering because I'm stressed out all the time about my lack of money.

Mare/TommyGirl said:

I need some pampering because I'm stressed and money is tight, so I feel guilty if I even think about pampering myself instead of taking care of other things. This would be great to help combat that.

Shea =) said:

Because I live in a house full of males! Hubby, 2 stepsons, male cousin, 2 male dogs, and a male cat ALL in my house! I need some girl time! =)

mahnrafjtb said:

I am going to be honest and say I never pamper myself. I haven't gotten my hair cut since I was pregnant with my daughter 18 years ago.

Unknown said:

It's really been a long time since I've done something for myself, so a little pampering would be nice.
thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said:

It seems I never get to do things to pamper myself. I do things for everyone else but

Kelly A. Tanner said:

My two kids don't give me a break! <3

Lorna England said:

For a motorcycle rider, it's been a long, cold, dark winter in Ohio :( So thanks for the chance to win!! :)

Krystle said:

Because I've been so busy with school lately

Caitlin said:

Because I am busy starting graduate school! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

nicole said:

Because I have 5 kids! Enough said

teetee knarvik said:

i so need to be pampered,its been 13 yrs

Denise Taylor-Dennis said:

I very rarely have the time to pamper myself. With a 2 year old and an impatient husband, I'm lucky to have enough time to shave my legs. I really could use some pampering.

Lynzee H said:

I am in need because I have children, that's definitely enough reasons :) lol

Kim said:

I am a grandma to 11 children under the age of 6 and even daycare half of them.

Anonymous said:

I need to pamper my self so i wont loose my mind from everything that is going on with my life ^^


Unknown said:

I think everyone needs to pamper themselves, for me it's a 48 hour work week.

Anonymous said:

I have an 18 mos old and a husband and a dog...enuf said! CLS

Unknown said:

I work 2 jobs, 4 kids and take care of my mom! I am tired!

Niamh M said:

My hubby is out of town on a loooooong 11 night work trip & I NEED a break!!!!

athena.d said:

im a stay at home mom and my hubby works all day then goes to the gym to train. hes an mma fighter, which brings us extra cash. but staying home all day with a 1 year old can get VERY tiring.

Sherry Fowler said:

i have 3 kids, 5 stepkids, 6 grandkids and NO me time lol! I need pampering!!!!

Tammy S said:

I need to pamper myself because like every mother out there knows, Mom always comes last. I would love to pamper myself just for a little while. :)

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