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WOW October Extreme $400 Cash #Giveaway!


Welcome to the October Extreme Cash Giveaway!

The Freebie Junkie has teamed up with Oh My Gosh Beck!, Life With Levi, This Mommy Saves Money, Broward Saves, ShopaholicMommy, The Frugal Free Gal and many other awesome blogs to give all our readers the chance to win a fabulous $400 cash prize! 

This giveaway runs for ONE whole month, so there is plenty of time to get through all the entries. There are also daily entries available so be sure to come back every day to grab as many entries as possible! 

The giveaway is open worldwide and ends November 13th at 11:59 PM EST. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Angie B said:

Not sure what it means by which $100 will I choose if I win but if it's in regard to a gift card or something I'd choose Target.

Juliefoo said:

I agree, not sure about that question, but either way, it would sure help with christmas!

Bethany C. said:

I don't understand the question (which $100 will you choose), but if it is in the form of a gc, I would choose amazon were it available.

revo said:

I don't what I would buy just yet but I would use it wisely.

Ash said:

I would put the money towards a new tv.

Suburban prep said:

As Maureen

I would put this towards a new refrigerator. My husband and I have an anniversary in a few weeks and then the holidays coming up and the frig we have now is not running as well as it should.

AshBoh4 said:

It would help pay for Christmas gifts!

KaeliH said:

We need a crib for our next baby!

AshBoh4 said:

It would help pay for Christmas gifts!

CindyWindy2003 said:

i would buy a new tv, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

Agnes O. said:

I'd buy some clothes for the kids.

Martha said:

It would help pay for car repairs and/or gas.

Marie said:

I'd buy clothes and christmas gifts for my kids!

ginette4 said:

I would buy myself a laptop,

Lucy Black said:

Thank you for this giveaway!

Milly said:

I'd buy Christmas gifts, including a wheat grinder for me!

Ashley Morrow said:

I would buy Christmas gifts.

Andi said:

whatever I want! :D

Anonymous said:

I'm entering, so excited!

Becky said:

I'd start Christmas shopping!

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said:

I would buy clothes!

riz said:

i am joining :) because i wanted to pamper myself on my dday :)

Brandi said:

Probably Christmas gifts, books and some learning toys!

Jeanette J said:

It would help me buy Christmas presents this year.

puffpastryshop said:

Christmas presents and gas to visit family during the holidays.

JeanTabitha said:

Christmas presents for sure!

Kathy Idol said:

Give to our daughter to help with Christmas for our 2 granddaughters

Lucy Black said:

Stopping by for my daily comment.
Have a great time!

Patti said:

Thank you for this wonderful giveaway opportunity!

Patricia Williams said:

New tires for the car and a few Christmas and

Ariela said:

I would pay my bills!

Lucy Black said:

Hi and thank you for this giveaway!

Jessica said:

Christmas presents for my family. Thank you!

Lucy Black said:

Stopping by for my daily comment, be well xx

Karen H said:

I'd use the case for Christmas gifts.

Arash Naghdi said:

love your site

Lucy Black said:

Thank you for this giveaway!
Have a great night xx

Just Jenn Jo said:

I would love to win this giveaway. Jennifer Jo Archdeacon at

jeanette sheets said:

not sure what you mean by which 100, but i would use it buy christmas for my 3 children

Lucy Black said:

Stopping by for my daily comment.
All my best xx

ikujghn said:

best giveaway ever

Jenee-O-Rama said:

Presents and an oil change.

Heidi Rupp said:

I would use it to buy my 3 boys Christmas gifts! ....and maybe a massage for myself... ;)

Amy Gramelspacher said:

I'd pay off everything I just bought for Christmas!

Gina Stanford said:

Christmas presents!

Amber Timm said:

A second seat for my B Ready stroller and a video baby monitor!

Andrea Myers said:

It would go into my Christmas fund!

cman said:

Groceries and gifts.

Lucy Black said:

Hi there!
Thank you for this chance to win.
Have a great night x

Anonymous said:


Betty Wojnar said:

i would put it towards car repairs

Stephanie said:

I would use it towards our upcoming move in a few months.

Lucy Black said:

Stopping by for my daily comment, be well!

ShempGames said:

It would sure make Christmas merrier around here!

Unknown said:

Thank You for this giveaway! I really wanted to leave a comment on WAYS TO SAVE & FREEBIE I just am unable to find a link so instead I will tell you THANK YOU for those post I really enjoyed and I think I just learned a ton!!!!!! I will be SAVING HUGE!!!

Lucy Black said:

Hi there and thank you for this amazing giveaway! >.<

Unknown said:

Thank you for this opportunity!

Lucy Black said:

Have a great night, all my best :)

Tiffany Dover said:

I would buy Christmas gifts for my family!

Lucy Black said:

Stopping by for my daily comment, be well!

Unknown said:

Thanks for being a part of this amazing giveaway!!! I look forward to more on your blog! Enjoyed!

Bree said:

Presents for my boys!

breej23 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said:

I would use it for my granddaughter some new clothes because her mom keeps selling hers thank you for a chance to win.

Lucy Black said:

Hi there,
Thank you for this giveaway!

Lucy Black said:

Stopping by for my daily comment, have a great night x

Angela W said:

I would buy Christmas gifts for my kids:)

Beth M. said:

use it for Christmas shopping

Pamela Bice said:

I'd have my computer fixed, then spend the rest on Christmas presents.

Anonymous said:

i would save it for a project my hubby wants to do.
Melissa Nassraway

Natasha said:

I would use it for Christmas gifts :)

Angela said:

We have 4 sons and we take care of our niece, so it would be a great help with Christmas!

Lucy Black said:

Hi there,
Stopping by for my daily comment.
Have a lovely time >.<

Kiki craner said:

Just stopping by for my daily comment, thank you for the chances to win exciting items!!

Unknown said:

I'll buy a laptop and invest in Internet Marketing.

Lucy Black said:

Hi >.<
Sending you my best, Happy Halloween!

Lucy Black said:

Hi there,
Stopping by for my daily comment.
Have a great night :)

Kelly R. said:

Thank you for this awesome opportunity!

Lucy Black said:

Have a great Friday :)

Lucy Black said:

Stopping by for my daily comment, have a great weekend!

Lucy Black said:

Hi there,
Thank you for this chance to win!
Be well x

Unknown said:

It will help me reduce my debt.

Rose-Marie said:

Need basics! Thankful for what I have, I could use many things.

Lucy Black said:

Stopping by to say hi & thanks!

Michaela said:

Being that I am a poor college student, the money would be great for anything. I would probably use it to buy some new boots so my trek across campus would be a little warmer during the winter.

Lucy Black said:

Stopping by for my daily comment.
Have a great night.

circusisintown said:

it woudl go towards a plane ticket somewhere warm:0

Suzanne Phillips said:

Stocking stuffers and stuff for college for my oldest!

Cheryl said:

Christmas presents

Lucy Black said:

Hi there,
Stopping by for my daily comment, It's raining almost all day here and it's lovely >.<
Have a great night.

Unknown said:

I would buy my 2 year old niece a nice Christmas present and my parents a gift card to go out to eat since they hardly do that! And maybe pay a doctor bill!

Jacqui Zimmerman said:

Winning this money would be so way more than awesome! I can think of so many ways to use it! :-D

June L said:

I would put it towards bills and groceries.

Unknown said:

looking forward to win

Theresa said:

I would put it toward Christmas presents and put some toward our wedding


Anonymous said:

I would use it for Christmas gifts & to purchase my Mom some clothes for her cruise =) She's so sweet...NEVER does anything for herself she would be so happy =)

Unknown said:

3 days to go. can't wait for the drawing.

Anonymous said:

I would use it for xmas! and we sure need it!

Just Jenn Jo said:

I would use it for Christmas. Jennifer Jo Archdeacon at

Unknown said:

I would use the money to buy a nice present for my husband. We have been through a lot over the past few years and he has been right by my side. I suffered a terrible head injury in late 2009 & he has been there for me through the slow recovery process, which is still ongoing. Then last Fall, I was diagnosed with Breast cancer. He has been by my side through it all. He has taken a lot of time off work to take me to my appointments and physical therapy (I still cannot drive), he has put off going back to school, he has cut back on teaching at church (which he loves), passed up on many opportunities, just to care for me. He has never complained about it or made me feel bad. In fact, he has done all of these things for me joyously. I would just like to be able to give him something nice (without using HIS money.) Thanks for your consideration. Blessings.

Samantha Childress said:

I could stock up with supplies for our homeless outreach. This prize would truly be a blessing.

Shakira said:

I could shop for office attire, since I am now about to enter the working world :)

Kristin said:

This would help us with our winter budget while my husband unable to work during the cold winter days.

terri said:

im so so so hopeing to win! fingers ,eyes,toes all

jennifer isbell said:

i would buy christmas for the family

arieslove said:

I'd pay for Christmas.

Dee N said:

Christmas gifts...

deeandco3 at gmail dot com

James Vallesteros said:

I would buy christmas gifts for my family

Shari said:

With $400 I would buy a laptop.

Anonymous said:

I would buy clothes for me and the family.

Anonymous said:

the patriots - Tina B

Unknown said:

Where can we see the winner of this giveaway?

Unknown said:

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