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Shout Product Review & Giveaway

Did you know that Americans currently spend 60 hours a month online?* I'm totally guilty of spending that amount online and if you are a freebie junkie I'm sure you can say the same!  Shout® is on a mission to help Americans reprogram their daily routines, which means: seize the moment, get a little dirty and live life out loud! With the Shout® family of products, you can treat stains wherever and whenever they happen, so your family can get the most out of life and still look their best.

To encourage families to take a fresh look at their daily routines, Shout® has teamed up with Olympic athlete and mom Jennie Finch to encourage you and your family to unplug and get messy! I have included her tips below to help you reprogram your daily routine and live life out loud.

Jennie’s Tips to Reprogram Your Daily Routine and Live Life Out Loud

Unplug from Electronics 
 We all have our favorite TV shows, iPad apps and video games that can easily occupy weeknights. Make a commitment to take at least 30 minutes each day to unplug the whole family from their favorite gadgets and spend some quality time together doing a fun and creative activity. Encourage the whole family to go outside and get dirty! Fresh air is invigorating and allows children to run freely without the worry of knocking over breakables or bumping into furniture. Shout® Wipes ensure you can clean up stains on the go so everyone can get the most out of life and still look their best.

Get Messy with Craft Projects 
 Arts and crafts are another fun way to change up your daily routine with interactive, hands-on fun. Create a craft box of construction paper, glue, paint and seasonal items. Dedicate each month to a new craft project. For example – carve or decorate pumpkins with markers in October, make “turkey hands” or acorn decorations in November and special ornaments or holiday decorations in December. These homemade craft projects foster creativity, add decoration to the house and are a fun memento to keep for years to come. Have no fear - paint, glitter and markers are no match for Shout® so your family can be creative no matter how messy they get.

Use Your Imagination
 If the weather does not permit outside play, get out a board game, or better yet, make up a brand new game with items around the house. You can write down the rules on a dry erase board as you go and the whole family gets to be inventive and resourceful with playtime!

Child-Friendly Baking Projects 
 Children love to help out in the kitchen and decorate cookies, cupcakes – or anything sweet! Use food coloring to make different colored frostings and go to town with sprinkles galore! As an added bonus – children can steal a few licks of frosting while helping out mom. Don’t worry about the mess; Shout® has you covered with an arsenal of stain-lifting products. 
Look to your Community
 Getting involved in local events is a great way to reprogram your daily routine and switch up the types of activities your family participates in on a regular basis. Art fairs, color runs, pie eating contests…the list goes on and on. Get active in your community’s events and you’ll meet new people and live life out loud!

I'm a fan of child baking projects - or even cooking projects.  I learnt to cook at a very young age with my mom and I credit all my cooking skills to her.  I make wicked meals for my family every day but I don't stress about the stains on my clothes while cooking as I know Shout products will help me get them out in a jiffy. We're a big fan of the Shout® Trigger and Shout® Wipes in our household.  The trigger stays in the laundry room for all my family messes and the wipes go in my purse for our active outdoor messes.

Be sure to check out the “Reprogramming America for Fun App” on Facebook.
Visit for more product details or check out the Shout® Facebook page for information, coupons and more.

One (1) lucky The Freebie Junkie reader will win a full size Shout Trigger and Shout Wipes. Simply enter to win through the rafflecopter form below.  Contest ends 11/16/12 @ 11:59pm EST.  Good luck.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway  

Disclosure: I received free products for review and giveaway. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.

*According to Visual Economics survey

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EliB123 said:

Unplug from Electronics (Elis B.)

eclairre said:

My fave tip is "Unplug from Electronics "!

Andrea said:

Unplug from electronics! andreahutch79 at aol dot com

ikujghn said:

love this :D

debijackson said:

love the Unplug from electronics
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

CrystalGB said:

Unplug from electronics

Autumn said:

I like getting crafty.

jessica said:

I like the unplug from electronics because I really need to! Its the first thing there when I wake up and last thing when I go to bed

jek9880 at gmail dot com

Rhonda said:

Look to your community is a great tip. I'm all for supporting one's community and I know where I live there is always fun events to pick from!

Carmen said:

Get messy with craft projects is my favorite tip :) Thanks!

ikujghn said:

this is a nice giveaway

Dana said:

Unplug from Electronics

circusisintown said:

unplug electronics

Cheryl said:

Unplug from Electronics--I'm guilty of being addicted!

June L said:

I like the unplug tip

Charity and John said:

Child friendly baking.
primabee at hotmail dot com

Amanda said:

I like the child friendly baking tips.

Unknown said:



Anonymous said:

Your tips are wonderful. I always did projects with my kids and they also help me bake. I will start unplugging during week and leave the weekends for iPad. I am afraid I will miss a contest, a deal.
Thanks for the chance

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