I hope you enjoyed the Party Giveaway Extravaganza event
If you missed it, read my "Ways to Save: Kids Birthday Parties - You can have your cake and eat it" post here and learn the tricks to saving money during your child's birthday preparations
The Party Extravaganza giveaways are still open and will end this Sunday 2/27 - so click here to enter to win some fun prizes for your child's party if you haven't done so!
Just a heads up, this birthday giveaway event was so much fun that I'm planning a similar event in May as we'll be celebrating our son's 6th birthday. We plan on a pirate themed party and Box Creations is providing this wonderful Pirate Ship for our review - yay
Use coupon code: PROMO10 to get this pirate ship from Box Creations for ONLY $29.99 shipped free (normally $39.99).
If you would like a product to be showcased in the May Party Extravaganza Giveaway please do not hesitate to contact me here
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