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Never Too Early - 10 Holiday Planning Tips

The biggest holiday season is on its way. 
Are you ready?

There's the Christmas food and gift shopping, Christmas card writing, wrapping, preparation, cleaning, unwrapping, stuffing and more cleaning - seems endless and stressful right and you haven't even begun?  it doesn't have to be that way. 

Here are 10 Holiday Planning Tips that you can get started on now

1. Make a To Do list - the list seems endless in your head but if you write your plan of action on a piece of paper you can approach the list in a swift but calm manner.  Cross off those that are accomplished so you can immediately see what remains.

2. Prioritize your To Do list.  Put the Christmas cards on the top of your list.  Christmas cards are a way to communicate with those near and far so order your photocards early from a service such as Storkie so that you have time to write a personal message to your family and friends. 

3.  Set a budget so you are not surprised by a huge credit card bill come January.  Consider, shopping throughout the year to spread the Christmas cost and of course find all your freebie deals with The Freebie Junkie.  Make your shopping list and head to database to match up available coupons.

4.  Wrap your gifts as soon as you buy them.  This prevents you from having a huge pile of gifts that ends up being wrapped on Christmas eve - yes been there done that - not fun!  Have a few small gifts spare for unexpected guests.

5. Jot down a list of guests who will be coming for your holiday dinner and start planning the menu. Wait for the non-perishable foods such as canned corn to go on sale and stock up.  Write a list of perishable foods that need to be purchased during the days leading up to the food preparation so you don't forget that vital ingredient.
6.  If you are traveling for the holidays consider mailing gifts ahead of time to prevent squished packages.  Take advantage of free shipping from many online stores and don't forget to head to the cashback sites before you order online.  Head to these Daily deal Sites to score some free or very inexpensive Christmas gifts!  There are so many to choose from I'm sure there's something for everyone. No need to leave your house.

7.  Don't be afraid to ask for help.  If you don't ask you don't get.  Delegate errands or chores with family members. 

8. Don't forget to take a break - periodically sit back and run through your list of things to do.  Read through your magazine piles for new inspirations.
9. Assure yourself that things do not have to be perfect.  An extra unexpected guest at the dinner table is not a recipe for disaster - the more the merrier.  A mismatched dinner plate - convert your table setting to shabby chic by intermixing two sets of dinner plates.

10.  Be positive!  A negative mind brings negative energy.

About Storkie

Storkie Express was started in 1990 by a WAHM with a vision for a new type of stationery experience. For over 21 years that vision and our founding mission have remained at the core of what we do: providing high quality, affordable custom printed invitations, announcements and cards, along with an unparalleled customer experience.

the storkie difference

  • Super Fast Shipping
  • High Quality Cardstock
  • Raised, Digital, and Foil Printing Options
  • Exclusive Designs
  • Low Price Guarantee
  • Great Customer Service
  • Free Digital Proofing
  • Safe Online Shopping

Storkie already have their new Christmas and Holiday arrivals up on their website.  I like to go all out with photo postage stamps and custom photo cards.  It always brings joy to my extended family and friends to see the kids dressed in their PJs in front of my Christmas tree scene by the front door.  Its also fun to see how they change and get bigger every year, when you think they can't get any cuter they do : )  Start thinking about Christmas now so you don't have to go through that mad rush in December.

I like this Symphony Photocard.

Disclaimer: I wrote this compensated blog post while participating in the Storkie Holiday blogging program! All opinions are of my own, others opinions may vary.
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lorrie said:

thanks for the great ideas

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